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Blazes boilin’


It’s fun and doesn’t milk you for cash if you prefer f2p… but—speaking of coin—take note that playing Prison Break (on ipad) the game’s liable to crash after taking your nickel. You may wanna watch out for that since those 5 cent pieces are a precious commodity. Five stars nonetheless.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/04/2024

We are happy you are enjoying the game! Thank you so much for being an integral part of Guns up Mobile and we value your relationship with us.
Have a Wonderful Day and Take Care!!


Pixion Games

Shudda believed the first review


Hope eyesight isn’t an issue cuz on an ipad the game is a tiny box in the middle of the screen. Lame gameplay.

A “Zombie Game”


I was prepared to give this game a provisional Four Stars until I’d gotten past the opening quests and then probably raised it to Five because this has the makings of a fun game but… BUT the creators—or some perverse big brain in Marketing—figured it was a great selling point to run forced Advertising every few minutes. A real deal breaker folks. In other words, they shot their own game in the head. Just like a zombie. Shame, really. Two stars for what could have been…


DianDian Interactive Holding

Try it, you’ll like it


The graphics and characters are solid. The gameplay is familiar but it’s got a few things which makes it preferable to many other games. Try playing with auto turned off for more of a challenge. The upgrades selection offers a nice variety of options though I do wish there were more information so one’s choices were less uninformed. And, imo, the game isn’t as pushy about having the player spend money—certainly less so than many similar games.


WFS, Inc.



This might be a unique game among the newer types but I really couldn’t get too far into it to find out because the saccharine music got on my nerves. My toon left the house and shortly thereafter I left as well to return to the login page; apparently there’s no settings option to turn the music off. I give this four stars for trying to appeal to solo players who are tired of every game which requires clan membership, PvP play, and visits to the company store. All due respect to the composer but the music drove me away.


David Peroutka

Pro “Con”


I will play this as far as possible on a f2p ticket. If the troops get bogged down as I read, then I’ll simply restart and beat my own score. I live, I die… I live again! The visual style is cool and this game offers something many similar games do not: humor. Redcon merits more than a three + stars so I give it five for the bump. My Fearless Leader may take notice and promote me.


Level Infinite

All hoopla and small substance


A minute to get the feel of the game and its world would have been nice but basically, almost immediately following my character “build,” I found my avatar thrust into a group of other toons in some kind of boss fight—no idea if the toons were NPCs or other players. And I emphasize “some kind of boss fight” because there was zero storyline to create a context. So… big battle and no time to experience my best use of skills; in fact no functional concept of my skillset at all. And, as an admittedly old personage who’s been PC gaming since the early 1990’s, why do all the toons look like they’re fourteen years old or designed by pedophiles (an ageist and sexist attitude found in most of these types of game)? Two stars for the windup and slick packaging. I’m going back to my Steam account asap. And if this review even gets posted, don’t bother with some bland, meaningless response. FAIL.

No Longer Highly Recommended


I’m on my second day playing and find this a pretty cool game set within an absorbing world. At this writing the only slightly negative things to note are an annoying glitch—at least in my case. For example, at one point I completed a prompt to check a body but the action didn’t take and kept wanting me to check that body again and again. I was stuck in a kind of time-loop and couldn’t get past that dang body. Oh, and there’s the little nuisance of getting stuck on trivial stuff on the ground which can get your heroes “killed.” NOTE: if you have the game linked DO NOT LOG OUT because linked accounts will not be recognized afterwards and an error code prevents logging in via that account again. Maybe that was my bad but this wasn’t made clear. So I had to restart the game as a guest player. No problems with that but I’m restricted to one platform for now. Overall fantastic game despite my whining. ;) ADDENDUM—— Sadly I uninstalled this because of many bugs. Keep getting stuck on door corners, branches, and grounded bodies which gets my toon killed while doing a ragdoll dance; in a group fight my toon focuses on a grounded enemy as the swarm hits away & no way for me to break off and run; lots of crashes on ipad; and worse, lost my save at a very high level after grinding for a day. Lost Future indeed. Maybe I’ll come back after bugs get fixed… and I still haven’t gotten a response from Support about my error code Link account. Too bad. >>>UPDATE: After being afk for a couple months some slight changes have been made: one example being that teleportation stations have been moved and there seem to be entirely new ones. Unfortunately, the same glitches persist… getting stuck on a small rock (die), wonky camera and movement jumps (die, die), OP undead way too soon in the game before a player can craft and upgrade (die, die, die), annoying vocal track loops, “pick up” prompts that don’t work which halts quest progress, and nonexistent directions for the mission goal once one gets to a waypoint (and not a lot of time to linger and figure out the next move). This game could be a keeper but I’ve offloaded my game data until the devs decide to roll up their sleeves and fix it. In the interim my star rating is downgraded to one—and that’s a shame because this game has, or rather had, great potential. Furthermore, even though there’s a refreshing lack of ads, would you all cool it on the sale pitches until this game actually works; every time I die a store “offer” pops up (which requires two taps to get out of) while I can hear my avatar being attacked! Really?

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Hello! We're sorry you've come across such issues. To help you resolve the problems you've encountered, please send us another message directly through the game settings.



Right off the bat I keep getting “Must be online to play.” I am, and have been, online. So… three stars until the game actually loads.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Hi conaninspace! We're sorry to learn about the issue you are experiencing. We would need more information to look into it. Please contact our support team (https://ubisoft-mobile.helpshift.com/) and they will assist you in no time! Thanks!

Find a room guys


A good game which I enjoyed except for the recurring political chatter. That kind of right wing propaganda doesn’t belong in a game. After a few days I had enough. Deleted. :(

Highly Recommended


I’m on my second day playing and find this a pretty cool game set within an absorbing world. At this writing the only slightly negative things to note are an annoying glitch—at least in my case. For example, at one point I completed a prompt to check a body but the action didn’t take and kept wanting me to check that body again and again. I was stuck in a kind of time-loop and couldn’t get past that dang body. Oh, and there’s the little nuisance of getting stuck on trivial stuff on the ground which can get your heroes “killed.” NOTE: if you have the game linked DO NOT LOG OUT because linked accounts will not be recognized afterwards and an error code prevents logging in via that account again. Maybe that was my bad but this wasn’t made clear. So I had to restart the game as a guest player. No problems with that but I’m restricted to one platform for now. Overall fantastic game despite my whining. ;) ADDENDUM—— Sadly I uninstalled this because of many bugs. Keep getting stuck on door corners, branches, and grounded bodies which gets my toon killed while doing a ragdoll dance; in a group fight my toon focuses on a grounded enemy as the swarm hits away & no way for me to break off and run; lots of crashes on ipad; and worse, lost my save at a very high level after grinding for a day. Lost Future indeed. Maybe I’ll come back after bugs get fixed… and I still haven’t gotten a response from Support about my error code Link account. Too bad. >>>UPDATE: After being afk for a couple months some slight changes have been made: one example being that teleportation stations have been moved and there seem to be entirely new ones. Unfortunately, the same glitches persist… getting stuck on a small rock (die), wonky camera and movement jumps (die, die), OP undead way too soon in the game before a player can craft and upgrade (die, die, die), annoying vocal track loops, “pick up” prompts that don’t work which halts quest progress, and nonexistent directions for the mission goal once one gets to a waypoint (and not a lot of time to linger and figure out the next move). This game could be a keeper but I’ve offloaded my game data until the devs decide to roll up their sleeves and fix it. In the interim my star rating is downgraded to two—and that’s a shame because this game has great potential. Furthermore, even though there’s a refreshing lack of ads, would you all cool it on the sale pitches until this game actually works; every time I die a store “offer” pops up (which requires two taps to get out of) while I can hear my avatar being attacked! Really?

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/02/2024

Hello! We're sorry to hear you've come across such issues. Please contact us directly through the game settings, so we can help you and investigate all these problems. 🙏

Highly Recommended

   (This review has been deleted)

I’m on my second day playing and find this a pretty cool game set within an absorbing world. At this writing the only slightly negative things to note are an annoying glitch—at least in my case. For example, at one point I completed a prompt to check a body but the action didn’t take and kept wanting me to check that body again and again. I was stuck in a kind of time-loop and couldn’t get past that dang body. Oh, and there’s the little nuisance of getting stuck on trivial stuff on the ground which can get your heroes “killed.” NOTE: if you have the game linked DO NOT LOG OUT because linked accounts will not be recognized afterwards and an error code prevents logging in via that account again. Maybe that was my bad but this wasn’t made clear. So I had to restart the game as a guest player. No problems with that but I’m restricted to one platform for now. Overall fantastic game despite my whining. ;) ADDENDUM—— Sadly I uninstalled this because of many bugs. Keep getting stuck on door corners, branches, and grounded bodies which gets my toon killed while doing a ragdoll dance; in a group fight my toon focuses on a grounded enemy as the swarm hits away & no way for me to break off and run; lots of crashes on ipad; and worse, lost my save at a very high level after grinding for a day. Lost Future indeed. Maybe I’ll come back after bugs get fixed… and I still haven’t gotten a response from Support about my error code Link account. Too bad.
UPDATE: After being afk for a couple months I notice some slight changes—one example being that some teleportation stations have been moved and there seem to be entirely new ones. Unfortunately, the same glitches persist… getting stuck on a small rock (die), wonky camera and movement jumps (die, die), OP undead way too soon in the game before a player can craft and upgrade (die, die, die), plus annoying vocal track loops, and nonexistent clues as to the mission goal once one gets to a waypoint (and not a lot of time to linger and explore). This game could be a keeper but I’m offloading my game data until the devs decide to roll up their sleeves and fix it. No changes in the future? Perma delete. One more thing, even though there’s a refreshing lack of ads, would you all cool it on the “store” offers until this game actually works. I will keep my rating at five stars because this game has awesome potential and I want it to thrive.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/17/2023

Thank you for your honest review. We are glad that you like our game. We're sorry you had to encounter these problems.
If you are stuck in textures and can't move, use the "Unstuck" button in Settings -» Other. This will move the character to an AWETS (All Weather Emergency Transportation System).
To get back to your high-level save, which is linked to Apple or Facebook accounts, you need to log out of the guest account in the game settings (Settings -» Log out) and then log in to the account of the desired social network in the main menu of the game (the authorization buttons will be placed in the lower left corner). Please note that after log out, the progress on the guest account will be lost.
To solve the problem with the quest, please send a message to our support from the game settings (Customer Service - Support) and our experts will be happy to help you. Additionally, please check your Spam folder. A response from technical support to your previous request may have gotten there.


Phantix Games




Developer Replies Reply Time 05/28/2024

Hello, and thank you for your feedback! We appreciate the time you have taken to leave your comment and we will take your review into consideration. If you have any more suggestions or questions about the game, please do not hesitate to contact the GM in the game or message us on Facebook (TheGrandMafia) or Discord. Thank you.



One of the better games here which features uncomplicated, mindless mayhem. The “store” keeps itself in the background pretty much and there are zero adverts cluttering up one’s shoot-em-up playtime. Give this a, ahem, shot and maybe I will see ya in the trenches.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/04/2024

We are happy you are enjoying the game! Thank you so much for being an integral part of Guns up Mobile and we value your relationship with us.
Have a Wonderful Day and Take Care!!


XD Entertainment Pte Ltd

Hack-n-slash fun




Tilting Point LLC



An excellent little bit of spycraft.

Well done… but


The fight mechanics, upgrade system, and visuals are great but, as a reader who enjoys any attempt at storytelling in games, I found this game far too talky—an issue which tends to break the flow. Nonetheless, I would give this a solid recommendation.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/16/2023

Hi, thank you for your comments. Our development team is always willing to listen to players' feedback. If you encounter any problems in the game or have any suggestions, please feel free to leave us a message or contact our staff through the customer service system in the game. Have fun gaming!


XD Entertainment Pte Ltd

Hack-n-slash fun




XD Entertainment Pte Ltd

Hack-n-slash fun

   (This review has been deleted)



Deca Live Operations GmbH

Run for it

   (This review has been deleted)

Watch out XCOM, Zed’s comin’ for ya!

No data yet.No data yet.