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Same old Same old


Glad I got out when I did about nine months ago. I loved this game for about the first year and free to play? well it wasn’t that greedy. You could do well by playing for free and then it just turned into a total cash grab.. now I am a spender. Remember that, but I can’t stand overly greedy developers(They all are greedy!) Plus the game just got really boring and I could tell a lot of players were quitting! Now I say same old same old because another game that was awesome by them for the first year or so, was Doomsday last survivor.. my favorite game for a long time..now I spent $$$ a lot on that game but you didn’t have to spend a lot to make progress but about six months ago that all changed.. that game has become a total cash grab but it’s from a company that does that with all their games.. Lords Mobile is another one! stay far away from any game This company puts out! Now they make good awesome games, There’s no doubt about that but it’s all about the cash with them. No considerations for the players! A man there are a lot of fake reviews for this game you can tell! There’s no way this game gets a 4.9! Now at one time I was giving it about a 4.7 There are far too many other choices out there for games like this, that are cheaper to play if you spend or games that are geared towards non-to low spenders….Update June 16th 2024
I’m not sure why the developers are abandoning this game?! for what I can tell. It’s completely died. Nothing new and it makes no sense. This is a big mobile gaming company and that’s the reason why I quit… it just got stale. I’m glad I did quit now and I spent a fair amount money! No biggie! I make more!
DJ Rocky!


Scopely, Inc.

One more thing.. see my first review


Someone talked about closing out ads? Saying to many ads?😳Wtf! Supposedly five of them. Huh! 😂 I’ve never had one ad on this game! if I did, I wouldn’t play it! Now, do they mean showing you things you won? Or special packs or animation because you leveled up? & so forth? Yeah! I want that stuff.! That is not even close to being ads. Again,I want to see that stuff! just play the game and enjoy it. It’s actually an awesome game pleasantly surprised as I said in my first review ❤️ DJ RockyXThe Born! 😊🙃

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/18/2024

Hi there Joey D 1167! We're delighted to know you're having a great time with the game. Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we want to express our gratitude for playing Monopoly Go!



Was great,until


This was the first war game I played for over a year and I stopped spending. I didn’t need to spend.Was keeping up! Now I have played a couple hundred of these games,well that’s never happened but of course the developers ruined it! When they came out with a new update for your HQ for 26 and up, & new troops! this game was constantly in the top 100 in the App Store but they destroyed the game.. I see a lot of fake reviews. I did like the graphics! I knew a lot of good Youtubers that was doing content for this game,that I followed but even they quit!
DJ Rocky



Ahhh ok?


Someone mentioned that this game was pay to win?! you do definitely have to spend on this game to stay relevant! but spending $400 on a mobile game? That’s not pay to win! that’s nothing! Maybe a month or even every couple weeks spending $400 bucks.. again is nothing! I wish I could find a mobile war game and all you had to spend was 400 bucks. I said it before and I’ll say it again. I played over a couple hundred of these games. None of these games are truly for the free to play! To stay relevant anyway! But that doesn’t mean you can’t play for free and still have fun with a good alliance, but you’re gonna have to grind big time!
DJ Rocky!



Agree with other reviewer!


The game has a lot to do but unfortunately that means you need to spend a lot to stay relevant.. pretty much why I quit :( And I agree the commander system for building them up is terrible! I love lots of good content, but it comes to a point where there is too much put into a game.. now if it was free to build up? Well that be a different story but it’s not, not in any of these games! Update! Feb 1…looks like I was right in quitting when I did! I’m a spender but still rather not spend & as a lot of reviewers have said, way to much greed! Need to spend on almost everything to level up?
Update! Middle June 2024, well, it seems to me quitting the game after playing for the first three months when it came out, was a smart decision! I am a spender. I probably spend more than I should, but I enjoy these games a lot…. I make decent money disposable income, so I don’t mind spending ..but not when the game is a complete cash grab! and in this game.. minimum needed to spend, is a moderate to high spender.. high spender does not mean whale by the way! It’s a shame, I actually really really liked this game. It’s very engaging, very tactical.. cool events Awesome graphics, but this is one of those games two years from now, Nobody will even remember.. maybe a year from now!! And to the idiot whale spenders, you keep zeroing everybody… it’ll be just you and a few other players playing! So think about that. I have never been one of those players and I never will! Sounds like most of the servers are dead. I guess you can thank the whales and the greedy developers for that! Yes, pretty much every game like this..if you truly truly want to compete, stay relevant, even with the mid-level players, you’re gonna have to spend some money… just the way it is, i’ve played well over 200 of these type games. None of them are truly fair to the free to play, especially when you get into the late game….but it doesn’t have to be a complete cash grab game. There are tons out there that are not complete cash grabs! and you can still have a good time with a good alliance as long as you grind without spending but sooner or later as you get into the late game, you’re probably gonna have to decide to spend a few bucks or probably just quit!
Just stating facts but in this game, the early game is too expensive. That’s a big red flag! DJ RockyXThe born! :)

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Hi, sorry for not giving you a good gaming experience. Thanks for your comment. We will forward your concern to our development team. Hope u have a good time.


Lilith Games

I have a knack!


I played State of survival for about a year…6 months old when I started… I saw the direction that that game was going in and I got out!! Stay far away from any of those games that company puts out! They have been sued numerous times! Next..This game! I started this game when It was about three months old,maybe a little less, & loved it! Spent a few thousand but once again, I saw the direction that this game was going in,like rise of kingdoms..and got out.. and boy am I glad I got out! The next game, Doomsday last survivors, getting ready to get out of that game because same direction.. just overly greedy! I used to love Lilith… but sadly 99% of the Asian companies that run these games, will do nothing for you in customer support. All they care about is getting that buck out of you! and I really hope nobody is paying any mind to the responses to these reviews(The developers) and also, there are so many fake reviews. I really wish that Apple would do something about that! I left this game about a year and a half ago, players were leaving in droves! Honestly, stay far away from any game that Lilith puts out…”Call of Dragons” my buddy plays that game, & is ridiculous with amount of money You really need to spend to be even a halfway decent player! if you want a good game?? Kingdom builder/war game…go to look up “whiteout” it’s been one of the top five games for the last month or so..yes you can’t control your troops in that game but honestly it makes it easier to play! and if you are a spender, like me, who is looking for value in packs, that game offers the best packs I’ve ever seen in my life and gives great free rewards, and lots of gems! I hope one day that Apple & Google starts cracking down on companies like Lilith! They are crooks! Now let’s wait for Lilith’s stupid automated reply 😳🙄🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 p.s.To the ftp players.. stop playing these games. They’re all the same! All of them.. you play for a month and then all you wanna do is complain.z if you’re not willing to spend some money on these type of games, there’s no reason to play! unless you’re just trying to pass the time and meet new friends! that is a fact! Just keeping it real played over 200 of these type games.. all the big ones.z maybe one day some company will put out a true free to play and stay relevant game, but I highly doubt it

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/10/2024

There are still many strategic elements in the game, such as choosing the unit to restrain the enemy in battle, and the collocation of different officers. As for your concern , we will see if we can make some optimization about it.

Was totally Awesome! Now?

   (This review has been deleted)

This game is still an awesome game. I don’t play anymore and yes, it became a little bit of a cash grab. I’m a spender, so it’s whatever.. the main reason why I quit is? Well it demands too much time..& you control your own marches.. which is awesome, it just makes events a little harder because you have to play a lot longer..So you have to spend a lot more time, time I just didn’t have or had no patience with! But the main reason why I wrote another review..So one reviewer recommended state of survival?? 😳😂😂😂 Stay away from any game Fun plus puts out! Crooks! They have been sued several times.. most of the players to play state of survival are here now..state of survival became something more than even a cash grab… I mean, they fired all their content providers because they were speaking the truth.. if you want lots of strategy and tactical play? I still recommend this game…But honestly,if you can’t spend at all…I would not recommend playing this game, but I think you can be a light to moderate spender and still stay relevant… again. This game just demanded too much time…time I didn’t have or wanted to give! Oh! gameplay is actually pretty smooth and awesome but any game where you can control your own marches it’s going to demand a lot more time. Just remember that before you play games like that.. rise of kingdoms is like that, warpath is like ect ect DJRocky!



Did play


I actually did like this game. I was just playing too many at one time. This is a little bit different to some of the other games and let me make this clear, in the last eight years, I’ve played over 200 of these type games… I like to review them.. you can probably see many of my reviews.. and played all the big ones, let me make this clear.. everyone of these games. Are you listening.. everyone of these games? You will always have to spend if you want to stay truly relevant. It’s just a fact not sure why so many free to complain. They’re all the same. Someone mentioned you had to spend $50 a month? 😂😂 if that’s all you had to spend, to truly stay relevant and compete even with the middle dogs? That ain’t nothing! again, all these games are the same. There are just some games a little more fair for the free to play then others and all honesty. If you cannot even be a light spender? $50 a month is very light! I wouldn’t play any of these games. They’re not meant for the free to play.. again. not sure why so many people complain. It’s just a fact.. I don’t think that will ever change! But I did like this game when I played it and the packs were pretty fair priced ! :)


Machine Zone, Inc

Just don’t!


Look all these games are kind of the same.. you spend,you stay more relevant as game goes on. Some are more fair than others but this company with all their shell companies? Man stay far away. The same thing happened with mobile strike(sam company)made a lot of good friends, spent some money and it wasn’t too bad in the beginning for competing even without spending or not spending much and then after about a year.. year and a half.. it became a total cash grab and then they reset the whole game so all the money u spent on packs with the items bought… all became obsolete, and you got nothing in return when they completely changed the game! I hope that something is done about companies like this! I do know this company, including a couple others out there stay away from fun plus too! They’ve been sued.. a few times…. I don’t mind spending. I have a fair amount of disposable income. I don’t really enjoy that much anymore. I’ve done a lot of things, but I enjoy a good mobile war game.. that is at least somewhat fair for free to play, even though I am a spender because they still make up a good amount of the game.. None of these games will ever be totally fair for free to play… at least I doubt they will, but with their games, they shouldn’t be allowed in the App Store!


Hong Kong Ke Mo software Co., Limited

Read please


I played this game briefly about three years ago and I am a spender, but I could tell immediately it was gonna be a total cash grab! And if I decide not to spend on a game, I don’t play.. in all honesty, These games are not really meant for free to play.. no matter what the developers say?! some are better than others.. But not many! Also! This bugs me! unless you are new to the whole mobile kingdom builder/war game? I have not come across one war game that the ads weren’t deceiving! none of them are like the ads some worse than others. I actually thought this game was cool but again, if it’s a cash grab early going, I quit… I do think the graphics are cool, and the gameplay! but this game, to really stay relevant and not just be someone’s food? you’re gonna have to spend, probably at least moderately! But if you are a spender, and I mean a big spender, this game might be for you! :)

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/13/2024

Thank you very much for choosing our game. We recommend that you follow our events page and actively join our events. We will prepare rich rewards for players who actively join events. These rewards will help you become stronger and also reduce your expenses. We hope this suggestion can help you.
Some of the game advertisements made by our agency will have a certain amount of artist interpretation of the game’s actual gameplay. We will continue to strengthen the review policy of the agency, but there mxxxht be somethings that we have missed. If you see any inappropriate ad content, please report it by email: [email protected].



I quit this game a couple years ago, no reason other than I was bored, but I still look at all the games I used to play and read the reviews and to the developers of this game. Read all your recent reviews. You might want to start changing things back.. looks like you’re losing lots of lots of players, especially to the monopoly Go game…stop being so greedy! Now I am a spender and honestly if you’re gonna play any mobile game, unless you can pony up even a little bit of money, probably shouldn’t play because all these mobile games are the same.. maybe one day a true free to play game will come out.. if I play a game and I decide I don’t wanna spend on it? I quit! I think that’s why I quit this game..


Century Games Pte. Ltd.

Come on guys


I love this game but! you need to speed up on the new commanders when they come out! it’s making me lose interest! A lot of games as it goes on,they start speeding up a little bit when stuff comes out.. not too much faster but way too many weeks in between new commanders! other than that the best game I’ve ever played! and yes, I’m a spender, but this game is also fair to free to play

Name change


They keep changing their name? Lol anyway, no doubt about it. IGG makes great games! Played this a couple years ago, it’s very engaging, very fun and I am a spender, but you got to spend a lot to even be mid-level! I won’t lie,at the time they actually had some awesome packs.. just got to be a little too rich for my blood. I’m not a whale,I’ll call myself a dolphin! Try whiteout survival.. there’s a reason why it’s been a number one game in the App Store for over two months straight! Yes, I spend on it and you will get ahead if you spend, but probably the fairest game I’ve seen for the free to play crowd! And good value packs! Oh, so many fake reviews on this game. You can tell the fake reviews! I’m not sure why.. this is a great game, but is not for the free to play not even for light spenders! Unless it’s changed, but I doubt it! Great graphics though!

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/16/2023

Thank you for your feedback and we are sorry to hear about your disappointment. We will work hard to provide a better gaming experience for all players. If you have any further input or suggestions, kindly email us at [email protected]. Thank you for your support.



Server 21=dbags


21 was ruined by a bunch of idiots who wanted to be made up of about 5 guilds! If not a part of the 5 or so(needed to have pretty good power) you would be zeroed or have to shield nonstop! Smh! Now you can transfer out BUT!!!! The idiots who made this game.. made it way too hard and expensive to be able to transfer! I killed so many soldiers off that I spent money on and I still had to spend more money on packs to be able to transfer! Naaaaaaa Done! I’ve found infinity kingdom! Blows I mean blows KOW away! Esp customer service and everything you’re trying to do for players! Also to many glitches still! Pass this one by! DJ Rocky! P.s. I will miss my old alliance that I was with most of the game! Most players either quit or went to a new server or got stuck on 21 and a lot of players quit with 21 they were they did! Update! April 3rd 2022! So was thinking about trying this game again because now u have control over your marches like ROK and Warpath(best war game by the way!) But reading all these negative reviews(current ones) Well something is a miss! Rating says 4.9? No chance! Someone is lying or this company who runs the game is boosting it with fake reviews! This company has always been shady! Go read about their(was) game Sea Game! Glad I got out of that game when I did! Anyway I may take a look at the game and see how it plays now..been over a year since I left! DJ Rocky! Update 11/12/2223 looks like I got out when I did, was a good thing.. that was two years ago. The game can definitely be fun, good graphics, good mechanics but there are so many fake reviews. It’s ridiculous. You can tell the true reviews.. make sure you do not read one word the developers after the reviews! Whatever they say, it’s all a bunch of crap!

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/16/2023

Dear Joey D 1167: Thanks for your comment. Sorry to hear about your experience. We really don't want players to quit our games and want all players to enjoy the game. If you have any problems in the game, you can contact customer service and we will try our best to help you. We will also continue to optimize our games to bring you a better gaming experience. Ratings are a true reflection of the market. We do not have the ability to delete comments. We will continue to optimize the game to gain the love of more players. Thank you for your understanding. best wishes!

Same old Same old


Glad I got out when I did about nine months ago. I loved this game for about the first year and free to play? well it wasn’t that greedy. You could do well by playing for free and then it just turned into a total cash grab.. now I am a spender. Remember that, but I can’t stand overly greedy developers(They all are greedy!) Plus the game just got really boring and I could tell a lot of players were quitting! Now I say same old same old because another game that was awesome by them for the first year or so, was Doomsday last survivor.. my favorite game for a long time..now I spent $$$ a lot on that game but you didn’t have to spend a lot to make progress but about six months ago that all changed.. that game has become a total cash grab but it’s from a company that does that with all their games.. Lords Mobile is another one! stay far away from any game This company puts out! Now they make good awesome games, There’s no doubt about that but it’s all about the cash with them. No considerations for the players! A man there are a lot of fake reviews for this game you can tell! There’s no way this game gets a 4.9! Now at one time I was giving it about a 4.7 There are far too many other choices out there for games like this, that are cheaper to play if you spend or games that are geared towards non-to low spenders.

Was Awesome!


I had to completely change my review. I actually just walked away from this game. And yes, I probably spent about 10k on it! Developers have totally destroyed this game, especially with the new immigration crap they put into the game and starting about four months ago maybe longer, all the new stuff or really anything.. it is all pure cash grab now and I believe like myself people are quitting in droves…even people who spend a lot of money! Shame! It’s a fun game with good mechanics! Ahhhh well Check out “Whiteout survival” a fairly new game that’s been number one in the Apple App Store for over a month now, very fair to free to play.. A awesome for spenders. They take care of you, unlike Doomsday did! i’ve never seen such value in packs in a game in my life that I’ve played! and or all the free rewards you get.. so it’s great for free to play, but I’m still gonna say what I say, if you’re not willing to spend on mobile games for the most part, there’s no reason to play! But with this game(Whiteout survival) I think it’s OK so far.


Lilith Games

I have a knack!


I played State of survival for about a year…6 months old when I started… I saw the direction that that game was going in and I got out!! Stay far away from any of those games that company puts out! They have been sued numerous times! Next..This game! I started this game when It was about three months old,maybe a little less, & loved it! Spent a few thousand but once again, I saw the direction that this game was going in,like rise of kingdoms..and got out.. and boy am I glad I got out! The next game, Doomsday last survivors, getting ready to get out of that game because same direction.. just overly greedy! I used to love Lilith… but sadly 99% of the Asian companies that run these games, will do nothing for you in customer support. All they care about is getting that buck out of you! and I really hope nobody is paying any mind to the responses to these reviews(The developers) and also, there are so many fake reviews. I really wish that Apple would do something about that! I left this game about a year and a half ago, players were leaving in droves! Honestly, stay far away from any game that Lilith puts out…”Call of Dragons” my buddy plays that game, & is ridiculous with amount of money You really need to spend to be even a halfway decent player! if you want a good game?? Kingdom builder/war game…go to look up “whiteout” it’s been one of the top five games for the last month or so..yes you can’t control your troops in that game but honestly it makes it easier to play! and if you are a spender, like me, who is looking for value in packs, that game offers the best packs I’ve ever seen in my life and gives great free rewards, and lots of gems! I hope one day that Apple & Google starts cracking down on companies like Lilith! They are crooks! Now let’s wait for Lilith’s stupid automated reply 😳🙄🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/16/2023

Thanks for your feedback and really sorry for the inconvenience. Actually, there are also many events in the game for the free commanders. And our team do pay great attention to our players feedback, It is because the player feedback about the Refined Component could only get from package, so we have add more free way for our players, and we also add the competitive mode conquest season for our players to choose. About your concern of pay to win, we will record and submit to our team timely to seek for appropriate adjustment and make it better in the future. Hope you support us as usual and wish you a nice day.


FunPlus International AG

STAY AWAY! Fake reviews


So many fake reviews! every time I come back, it’s all fake reviews, So many bot reviews! You can tell the fake ones! One to 3 word reviews! all you Gotta do is get on YouTube and look up some of the bigger players and they talk about how people are quitting in droves and this game has lost its mind with all the new stuff they keep coming out trying to get you to spend more and more money ! This mobile game company is very shady! I really wish that Apple would start kicking out these type of developers! I got out after a year playing..Saw where it was heading! this is a terrible terrible company! Look every mobile war/ kingdom builder is pay to truly compete, stay relevant but some are just ridiculously greedy and this would be one of them.. actually all their games are like this, this is a terrible company! I don’t know why Apple allows them to keep their games in the App Store, just go read reviews on their other games! just a horrendous terrible beyond greedy company! and I hear that these limitless heroes even the moderate spenders are getting crushed by the whales but you know what?? This company is famous for reskinning their games(Guns of glory is now Misty continent) they will probably do the same thing with this game.. you’ve been warned! I am an Empath, I try to like everybody but part of the reason why I got out was because of all the whales that are Russians that are playing this game and I have no problems with Russians(love the women) But part of why the game is dying is all the so called bullying! If you are 10 times more powerful than someone else nothing to be proud of for zero and someone just makes you look like a terrible human being! They also reskinned their game called Guns of glory! The supposed new game is Misty continent.. why did they reskin it? because they killed it by being overly greedy like they are doing to state of survival! I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next year there’s a new version of state of survival just with a different name & some new different things that state of survival doesn’t have! A joke of a company! You have been warned! by the way, I’m a spender.. I don’t mind spending on mobile game that I enjoy…& developers? Well they’re all greedy but you got a find the ones that have a little bit of morals… this one does not! Stay far away from anything Funplus puts out! I really hope one day the industry does something about companies like this! Terrible! Oh! Just go on YouTube and look at all the players that used to put Content up for this game. That will tell you enough right there! and remember this is coming from someone who is a moderate spender! Play Doomsday… last survivor! Don’t get me wrong if you want to be competitive and stay relevant, you’re gonna have to spend a little bit and it has become a little bit more of a cash grab but so far not too bad!


Lilith Games

3 times


Played for about 2 years, spent moderately but still, it was really far from opening up T5’s..Left then came back a couple more times and there’s just too much stuff in this game! Now look all these games are pay to play, pay to stay relevant, pay to compete! I’m not sure why the free to play crowd keeps trying to play these games. All they’re gonna do is get frustrated! I played a couple hundred of these games, they’re all the same way.. just some less greedy than others. That’s what I look for… now from what I can see this game has become a total cash grab and I played their other game, Warpath..They totally destroyed that game! That game was great for the first year and it looks like I got out at the right time! Some advice to mobile gamers out there, if you’re not willing to spend even a little $$.. stop playing these games.. they’re all the same.. unless you just play to pass some time for fun! and please stop using the term pay to win..that is incorrect term.. just because you pay, does not mean you win! now I am giving it three stars because it’s a very tactical game.. which is cool. The graphics are great if you’re willing to spend probably about $500 a month.. and you can do OK in this game..Rocky :)

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/17/2023

We always appreciate feedback and suggestions. We’re working hard to maintain balanced gameplay, while introducing more interesting events to ensure an enjoyable game environment for all players. Let us know if you have more other concerns or suggestions. Thank you!


Century Games Pte. Ltd.

Not PTW!


Ahhh got your attention! Ok,stop with the pay to win crap! So just because you pay does not mean you win. The better term is pay to play, pay to stay relevant and compete. That’s this game and all mobile war games/kingdom builders.. you need to get that through your heads! So maybe one day we will get one that’s truly free to play but I doubt it…So anyway onto the game. Now I am a spender. I will not play a game unless I plan on spending at least a small to moderate amount each month..been playing this game for about five days. I have not decided if I’m going to spend yet. I will update if I do, but if I don’t, I will quit why, because unless you plan on spending at least some money on these type games, there’s no point in playing unless you just like to pass the time! It’s really that simple. I get tired of seeing people whine about pay to win! Stop! I do like this game.. it’s kind of cartoonish, which I do like.. the mechanics, Well the fighting could be better. I hate games where it’s old school and you can’t control your troops on the battle field and well that’s this game… not too many commanders so far that’s kind of cool I’m sure that will change(And that’s good as the game evolves) over the last five years or more. I’ve literally played over 200 of these type games. I played a lot during the shut down, most don’t make it past a day. A lot of times I will quit because I hit a early pay wall.. I might spend, but I don’t play overly Greedy games… I’m up to level 10 with my furnace. If you play the game, you will know probably the most important building. Got up there fairly quickly with grinding and not spending a dollar but I know if I want to go on and be competitive and not be someone’s snow farm,I will have to drop some money. Will decide that here soon and the packs don’t seem to be overly expensive at least not yet.. tons of good little deals that are good for your small spenders and once again if you decide to keep playing this game, you gotta spend some money, if you refuse to or don’t have the money.. don’t bother and that’s with any of these type games and that is a fact! but I do enjoy this game so far, I like the whole winter snowy thing! if I decide I’m gonna keep playing and again that means I will be spending. I will update this, if no update then I quit….Rocky…The Born



I played so many of these games I’d like to review them and I’m usually playing anywhere from 3 to 5 games. I’ve quit all my games just playing this and yes I do spend I’d rather not spend but I spend in this game if you make the right moves get with the right alliance you can go pretty far even if you don’t spend spending does help lol but I’d like to tactical part of it. Also, Someone talked about servers crashing?? I don’t think I’ve crashed one time since playing this game in about six months! But he was in India,maybe it’s different over there I’m in North Carolina.. my only request, please do not ruin this game like the developers did in state of survival. I used to play that game, loads and loads of players for that game are coming here! DJRocky_The Born 😊❤️


Farlight Games

Do you watch videos on game play?


OK I see a lot of reviews with players complaining that it was reset after season one?! so when I downloaded this game, I immediately went and looked up videos on this game in particularly one guy that everybody loves, Chisgul(sp) and as soon as he said, there be a restart after each season, I quit! I don’t like games like that! And a little hint to all the free to play players,every mobile war/kingdom builder game is pay to play! & that’s a much better term(just because you pay doesn’t mean you win) if you wanna stay relevant and truly compete you got to spend! & every mobile game like this…is like that and honestly if you can’t spend on a mobile game, you shouldn’t be playing them because all you gonna do is get frustrated! I’m a spender, a dolphin, if you will not a whale lol but I’d rather not spend, but I only play games that are not overly greedy this company I thinks is in the middle! The five stars are for the gameplay and the graphics. They are awesome! Rocky :)

Reg screen not working


I don’t know if you got my ticket, I don’t know if it’s going on with everybody in the game..but I can’t see anything to go into anything in the game right now? Like everything you press to go into has all disappeared? Please fix.. when fixed, I will give it five stars because this is an awesome game but this is annoying.! Thank u!

Island raid!


I love this game. This is probably one of the best mobile war games/kingdom builders I’ve ever played, but the one event island raid needs to be fixed. and this happened on a game called warpath too until the developers stepped in… so alliances right before the selection, on where you go for the island raid… they are filling up their hospitals to lower their might! so that’s putting them in a lower bracket! So the one event right now there are alliances twice our might! we have no business going up against them or being in that bracket! it’s cheating! it needs to be fixed! But outside of that, I love this game! DJ Rocky The Born!

Ehhh now


First off, seeing a lot of fake reviews! You can tell by the short 3 word reviews! If this game is truly a 4.9 rating? With over 40k reviews? This game should actually be ranked in the App Store and it’s not! now I used to love this game, a little boring but I still loved it and in the beginning it was mostly free to play friendly… now I’m a spender, spent prob over 1k+ but I still rather not spend and I agree with one other review or a couple others.. they’re adding a lot of stuff that honestly you need to spend to keep up! There’s way too much upgrading going on, and I love tactical stuff, but a little too much! probably gonna drop this game soon, and I agree, the rewards are crappy now.. they didn’t used to be..just my honest opinion and again I’m a spender(Stopped spending about 3 months ago because of the direction I thought this game was going in…I right and it’s not a good direction) game has become disappointing! now their other game the “doomsday zombie war game?” is freaking awesome. I hope they don’t ruin that! Yours truly…Rocky!


FunPlus International AG

STAY AWAY! Fake reviews


So many fake reviews! every time I come back, it’s all fake reviews, So many bot reviews! You can tell the fake ones! One to 3 word reviews! all you Gotta do is get on YouTube and look up some of the bigger players and they talk about how people are quitting in droves and this game has lost its mind with all the new stuff they keep coming out trying to get you to spend more and more money ! This mobile game company is very shady! I really wish that Apple would start kicking out these type of developers! I got out after a year playing..Saw where it was heading! this is a terrible terrible company! Look every mobile war/ kingdom builder is pay to truly compete, stay relevant but some are just ridiculously greedy and this would be one of them.. actually all their games are like this, this is a terrible company! I don’t know why Apple allows them to keep their games in the App Store, just go read reviews on their other games! just a horrendous terrible beyond greedy company! and I hear that these limitless heroes even the moderate spenders are getting crushed by the whales but you know what?? This company is famous for reskinning their games(Guns of glory is now Misty continent) they will probably do the same thing with this game.. you’ve been warned! I am an Empath, I try to like everybody but part of the reason why I got out was because of all the whales that are Russians that are playing this game and I have no problems with Russians(love the women) But part of why the game is dying is all the so called bullying! If you are 10 times more powerful than someone else nothing to be proud of for zero and someone just makes you look like a terrible human being! They also reskinned their game called Guns of glory! The supposed new game is Misty continent.. why did they reskin it? because they killed it by being overly greedy like they are doing to state of survival! I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next year there’s a new version of state of survival just with a different name & some new different things that state of survival doesn’t have! A joke of a company! You have been warned! by the way, I’m a spender.. I don’t mind spending on mobile game that I enjoy…& developers? Well they’re all greedy but you got a find the ones that have a little bit of morals… this one does not!

State of who???


A State of survival killer! This game went from number 70 in the App Store to number 3 in a couple weeks and I believe it’s because of the mass exitus from state of survival and those idiots who run the game! The makers of State of survival are actually being sued! So anyway, this game I love it, it’s got everything and it’s not over done.. I played state of survival for about a year,probably dropped about a grand, but I saw the way they were going and I got out. Thank God I did, let’s hope this game sticks with what they’ve been doing. I like new content but not every week… it can ruin a game and so far this game it’s just right…yes I’m a spender, but I’d rather not spend and the packs are great value in this game and you can definitely move up even if you are free to play but you got to be in a good alliance! And I love my alliance! So for the love of Pete..to the makers of this game, please do not ruin this game. Like the idiots that make state of survival.. learn from their idiotic, greedy mistakes. You guys are a big gaming company. So This game should get even better over time…Anyway, I play one other game you guys have, so I trust you guys! 5 stars easily!
DJGoldRock! :)


FunPlus International AG

STAY AWAY! Fake reviews


So many fake reviews! So many bot reviews! You can tell the fake ones! One to 3 word reviews! all you Gotta do is get on YouTube and look up some of the bigger players and they talk about how people are quitting in droves and this game has lost its mind with all the new stuff they keep coming out trying to get you to spend more and more money ! This mobile game company is very shady! I really wish that Apple would start kicking out these type of developers! I got out after a year playing..Saw where it was heading! this is a terrible terrible company! Look every mobile war/ kingdom builder is pay to truly compete, stay relevant but some are just ridiculously greedy and this would be one of them.. actually all their games are like this, this is a terrible company! I don’t know why Apple allows them to keep their games in the App Store, just go read reviews on their other games! just a horrendous terrible beyond greedy company! and I hear that these limitless heroes even the moderate spenders are getting crushed by the whales but you know what?? This company is famous for reskinning their games(Guns of glory is now Misty continent) they will probably do the same thing with this game.. you’ve been warned! I am an Empath, I try to like everybody but part of the reason why I got out was because of all the whales that are Russians that are playing this game and I have no problems with Russians(love the women) But part of why the game is dying is all the so called bullying! If you are 10 times more powerful than someone else nothing to be proud of for zero and someone just makes you look like a terrible human being! They also reskinned their game called Guns of glory! The supposed new game is Misty continent.. why did they reskin it? because they killed it by being overly greedy like they are doing to state of survival! I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next year there’s a new version of state of survival just with a different name & some new different things that state of survival doesn’t have! A joke of a company! You have been warned! by the way, I’m a spender.. I don’t mind spending on mobile game that I enjoy…& developers? Well they’re all greedy but you got a find the ones that have a little bit of morals… this one does not!


FunPlus International AG

STAY AWAY! Fake reviews


So many fake reviews! You can tell the fake ones! One to 3 word reviews! all you Gotta do is get on YouTube and look up some of the bigger players and they talk about how people are quitting in droves and this game has lost its mind with all the new stuff they keep coming out trying to get you to spend more and more money ! This mobile game company is very shady! I really wish that Apple would start kicking out these type of developers! I got out after a year playing..Saw where it was heading! Look every mobile war/ kingdom builder is pay to truly compete, stay relevant but some are just ridiculously greedy and this would be one of them.. actually all their games are like this, this is a terrible company! I don’t know why Apple allows them to keep their games in the App Store, just go read reviews on their other games! just a horrendous terrible beyond greedy company! and I hear that these limitless heroes even the moderate spenders are getting crushed by the whales but you know what?? This company is famous for reskinning their games(Guns of glory is now Misty continent) they will probably do the same thing with this game.. you’ve been warned! I am an Empath, I try to like everybody but part of the reason why I got out was because of all the whales that are Russians that are playing this game and I have no problems with Russians(love the women) But part of why the game is dying is all the so called bullying! If you are 10 times more powerful than someone else nothing to be proud of for zero and someone just makes you look like a terrible human being! They also reskinned their game called Guns of glory! The supposed new game is Misty continent.. why did they reskin it? because they killed it by being overly greedy like they are doing to state of survival! I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next year there’s a new version of state of survival just with a different name & some new different things that state of survival doesn’t have! A joke of a company! You have been warned! by the way, I’m a spender.. I don’t mind spending on mobile game that I enjoy…& developers? Well they’re all greedy but you got a find the ones that have a little bit of morals… this one does not!


FunPlus International AG

STAY AWAY! Fake reviews

   (This review has been deleted)

So many fake reviews! You can tell the fake ones! One to 3 word reviews! all you Gotta do is get on YouTube and look up some of the bigger players and they talk about how people are quitting in droves and this game has lost its mind with all the new stuff they keep coming out trying to get you to spend more and more money ! This mobile game company is very shady! I really wish that Apple would start kicking out these type of developers! I got out after a year playing..Saw where it was heading! Look every mobile war/ kingdom builder is pay to truly compete, stay relevant but some are just ridiculously greedy and this would be one of them.. actually all their games are like this, this is a terrible company! I don’t know why Apple allows them to keep their games in the App Store, just go read reviews on their other games! just a horrendous terrible beyond greedy company! and I hear that these limitless heroes even the moderate spenders are getting crushed by the whales but you know what?? This company is famous for reskinning their games(Guns of glory is now Misty continent) they will probably do the same thing with this game.. you’ve been warned! I am an Empath, I try to like everybody but part of the reason why I got out was because of all the whales that are Russians that are playing this game and I have no problems with Russians(love the women) But part of why the game is dying is all the so called bullying! If you are 10 times more powerful than someone else nothing to be proud of for zero and someone just makes you look like a terrible human being! They also reskinned their game called Guns of glory! The supposed new game is Misty continent.. why did they reskin it? because they killed it by being overly greedy like they are doing to state of survival! I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next year there’s a new version of state of survival just with a different name & some new different things that state of survival doesn’t have! A joke of a company! You have been warned! by the way, I’m a spender.. I don’t mind spending on mobile game that I enjoy…& developers? Well they’re all greedy but you got a find the ones that have a little bit of morals… this one does not!

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