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Flipper Devices Inc.

Fantastic Community and Support


This app overall has been extremely useful for on the fly Flipper access and tweaking. I particularly use it to make real time changes and revisions to my Ducky scripts.
The update from last month unfortunately broke that file manager functionality (which can happen to the best of us). Fortunately, thanks to the Developers, this very next update fixed all of this. So as an IT Analyst, I thank you for your diligence and hard work.
Lastly, quick plug here that the community on the forums is very supportive and allows users diagnose / troubleshoot / share ideas with ease.
5 Star app once again!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

Hi! Please try to install the latest version of the app. This problem should be fixed)


Flipper Devices Inc.

File Manager is broken on this release! HELP!!!

   (This review has been deleted)

The sub-menus on the options screen are no longer working on this release! I relied on the File Manager to view/edit the scripts I use on my work machine. Tapping on File Manager or any other Sub-menu on the option screen causes the app to freeze.
I’ve performed the following troubleshooting steps:
1. deleted/re-installed the app a few times.
2. Updated my flipper to the latest FW.
3. Reset my flipper to Factory settings with a new/re-formatted SD card
4. Launched the app with BT off and attempted to tap on the “Report Bug” sub-menu option (this too causes the app to freeze)
So considering that it freezes up with or without a flipper device, this tells me that there is a bug with the iOS app itself.
Please revise!!!!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

Hi! Please try to install the latest version of the app. This problem should be fixed)

A must have!!!


I don’t think I have many apps where I’m wondering what the next update will bring…. This is definitely one of them. I boil it down to two things.
1. The variety is so wide that I find myself using these over the stock emoji’s most of the time. They seem to do a better job at conveying what I’m trying to say. (Yes this is subjective and situational but nonetheless it’s what my experience with the add-on is up until this point)
2. The quality of the artwork is to the point where you could slip most of these into the standard roster of built-in emojis. I historically gravitated away from emoji apps that looked too cartoony or just plain didn’t fit in with the aesthetic of the normal emojis. Basically the dealbreaker for me would be if I couldn’t mix and match the in-house set with these add-ons.
This for me is a welcome and say… “very necessary” download for anyone looking to have emoji’s that communicate that extra little thing you wish the standard set of emoji’s had.
1. One that is a sense of mystery. Facing straight on with a slightly open mouth (almost saying “uh?”)
2. Like an old western where the cowboy is blindfolded and having his last cigar. Face slightly tilted up, smoking the last cigar, stubble beard and a hat????
3. No peeking! Smirking face with a hand lifting one of side of his blindfold
More props please!!!!! Faces/emotions are great don’t get me wrong. Let’s diversify a bit here, I’ve added the dumpster fire emoji to a few pictures that friends have sent, I’ve added the mushroom cloud to the tops of peoples heads. Let’s have props that (yes you could use as a standalone emoji) you can use as a sticker on top of messages/pictures sent my friends.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/05/2022

This was such a fun review to read 💜 The blind folded emoji series are a great idea, and props are also something I’ll give heavier consideration to from now on! Thanks a lot, for your kind reflections, fun ideas, and equal appreciation of the subtle art of digital communication 💫


LG Electronics, Inc.

Good app / one annoying flaw


Mostly good..... kind of.....
The good:
The features are good and I am able to control my tv just fine with it. Multiple views and button layouts optimize screen usage and functionality.
The ok:
Responsiveness could be a bit better. One has to be precise and deliberate with button presses. For example I can’t just mash the volume button quickly to adjust it. Slower taps are a must.
The bad:
(I have to preface that the app IS useful one it’s connected to the TV)
This one is so annoying (to me at least and other reviews I’ve found on this app) that it outweighs all of the good.... the app does not remember your TV! EVERY SINGLE TIME you leave the app or the phone goes to sleep, the app looses connection forcing you to conduct a search for your TV. Another oversight of the app is that you can’t turn the TV on with the app. There is a setting on the TV called “mobile TV on” which allows you to “turn on via WiFi” yet this app does not leverage that.... baffling.
Dear LG,
1. Please add the ability for the app to remember a selected television - OR - add and auto connect feature with TVs on the same network.
2. Allow the app to utilize the Mobile TV On preferences.
Device List:
LG OLED 55B7A (software up to date 5.80.55)
iPhone 11 and app (all up to date as well)





Wish you could do everything that the provided tablet does... Settings for the alarm, network, sounds, etc.

Pretty good


Really nice app. A few bugs with navigation but the content deliver Is great


Battery Acid Games, Inc.

Could be such an awesome game!!!


This game is sweet in single player mode. However I can't say the same for the multiplayer mode. I spend more time in the lobby, searching for an opponent, waiting for a connection and getting either dropped, or having my opponents quit 2 seconds into a match. And if I do manage to get in a match there is no reward to winning other than the satisfaction of knowing I did. There needs to be a way of keeping track of victories and not only that but at the very least have a win reward you towards getting a new bike. So I say this game is 5 star for the solo gameplay but unfortunately it's a -3 star for the multiplayer.

This is...







And challenging.


Remedy Entertainment Ltd.



I love the game but it crashes after every race. When I go back in I have to start all over. So I can't progress anymore. WE NEED AN UPDATE. DO NOT BUY THIS UNTIL THE CRASHES ARE FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY! So for now I give it 2 stars. I'd rate it higher but not being able to play a game I payed for is not cool.

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