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Enough already.


At this point, I subscribe for about a month and a half at a time force myself to watch one or two shows, and then unsubscribe. Why? As every user has stated in reviews for as many years going back, the app and interactivity are absolutely awful. Hidive… you have one freaking job. That job is the experience you provide your customers. The experience is awful and people have been saying It’s awful for years now. I think I’ve even left a review two years ago, saying it was awful ( hoping that the time if enough people complained. Maybe you’d actually do something ) so… don't you think it’s time to freaking do something about it? Why don’t you have the balls to respond to a single one of the reviews discussing how bad your service is? At this point my goal and leaving a review is in hopes that it saves just about everybody else from wasting their time in a company who clearly gives no care about their customers and clearly is not even paying attention probably because they don’t care.

Don’t spend your money on this game


Hey game developers… are you stupid?
You put out an update on the game. But you failed to actually make it playable. How can I see an update if you can’t get the stupid five pieces of metal needed to advance. I can’t believe with all the complaints and people leaving the game because they “can’t go any further with it” you have the audacity to just lie.

It’s always about the ads

   (This review has been deleted)

The game itself is pretty good but like with anything these days, it’s about the stupid ads. Most of the ads are by “choice” but are they really? The game is set up so you pretty well have to watch the ads in order to have any success. the request to watch an ad is nonstop considering how long you’re actually in a round there’s somewhere around 60 seconds plus of ads for every 30 seconds of gameplay. Update… I continue to play the game because some of the action was pretty decent. Until it all came to a grinding halt because I failed to watch enough ads to get enough resources to advance. I am currently sitting needing four pieces of steel so I can start my base. The game has no way for me to obtain that steel. When I contacted the developer, their response was simply “we are aware of the situation and will be addressing it sometime in future updates” stay tuned and thank you for your patience… Then they tried to say that their game isn’t reliant upon the ads.

It’s always about the ads

   (This review has been deleted)

The game itself is pretty good but like with anything these days, it’s about the stupid ads. Most of the ads are by “choice” but are they really? The game is set up so you pretty well have to watch the ads in order to have any success. the request to watch an ad is nonstop considering how long you’re actually in a round there’s somewhere around 60 seconds plus of ads for every 30 seconds of gameplay.



Good game, problem sound


Sound keeps glitching out randomly causing me to have to just turn the sound off. Sounds like something from an old horror movie.



Enough already.


At this point, I subscribe for about a month and a half at a time force myself to watch one or two shows, and then unsubscribe. Why? As every user has stated in reviews for as many years going back, the app and interactivity are absolutely awful.

Hidive… you have one freaking job. That job is the experience you provide your customers. The experience is awful and people have been saying It’s awful for years now. I think I’ve even left a review two years ago, saying it was awful ( hoping that the time if enough people complained. Maybe you’d actually do something ) so… don't you think it’s time to freaking do something about it?
Why don’t you have the balls to respond to a single one of the reviews discussing how bad your service is?
At this point my goal and leaving a review is in hopes that it saves just about everybody else from wasting their time in a company who clearly gives no care about their customers and clearly is not even paying attention probably because they don’t care.





Seriously crappy apps. Ill likely not go past the seven day free trial. They have maybe six shows I can't see on my other subscriptions. not worth paying for.

I can’t tell if it’s a good game or not…


I can’t tell if it’s a good game or not. The reason? Instead of giving you a joystick and some crosshairs you’re required to place your finger on the target and then switch between targets. The problem? I can’t see anything. My big fat thumbs in the way. if they change that I might play more.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/03/2022

Hi! We're sad to see that you gave us 2-star rating. Feel free to share your feedback and suggestions on our official Discord server - https://discord.gg/clashofbeasts. We want to make the game better for you!


   (This review has been deleted)




Could be more than a 3 star...


The app is very entertaining. The catalog of pictures to color is very respectable. I give it a 3 because the color palette could be better... but really because of the immediate and relentless requests to rate the game.


SayGames LTD

Addictive... but.


This is a very addictive game but it has 2 really bad flaws that make it a soon to delete.
1. I am currently level 96 and the repetitive and simplistic nature of the game is a little insulting. What I mean by repetitive is literally the same sequence every few cycles of play. What I mean by simplistic is that with a whole world of geometry and obstacles the difficulty level seems better suited to an 8 year old child not an adult. The game is fun but...
2. Absolutely the the worst game by far for forcing commercials on you. I understand making money but this really isn’t a game, it’s one never ending commercial (for another game)with tiny little moments of play.
Cut the commercial traffic by 2/3 and increase the difficulty (not by making it faster that’s the easy fix) and I would keep this game.






Lots to do!


Game keeps you very busy. Lots of different areas to work in.


Flaregames GmbH

Not to bad!


Not bad

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