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The Best of the Genre


This game is a breath of fresh air. The music, the levels, the art and animations. All of it is beautiful. And the way it uses ads is marvelous too. This game is truly magnificent. This is the standard all app games should strive for.


Color Switch Phoenix, LLC

The perfect mobile game


Honestly, I could write a whole essay about how much I love this game, but I don’t think it’ll fit. I’m still gonna do it somewhere else. Tumblr, I think. Sometime later. So if you see a Tumblr post raving about how amazing this game is, that’s me! Give me a shout out! Say “App Store Gang”, or something. It’ll be our little secret password to let each other know that we were here before anything else. Fun, right? To be in on something? I think so! See you later!

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/24/2023

Hey there Apple Store Gang! Love it.

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