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SayGames LTD

Love this app


I love this app. As a matter of fact I have completed all the hotels and all of the upgrades! So now I am wondering if you plan to expand the number of hotels. Please tell me I am in for more fun. Hurry and add more hotels please. Thank you.

You keep deleting my reviews!


Guess when the truth be told you delete the review. You Do Not Listen!
You have no customer support. You ask way to much for no adds, $9.99 for 1 week or$12.99 permanent. Now the forced adds are up to 90 seconds long from 30 seconds long!
You really do not get it do you. Can you for once think about us? Try $3.99 to $6.99 permanent no adds and 30 second adds again for ones we choose to watch. You took a very fun app and made it undesirable because of poor choices. We have been waiting a long time for you to hear us. Give it a try with the next update please.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.



Awesome game/Horrible benefits!


I truly enjoyed playing this app until….. First usually there are 5 to 10 second adds not here 30 second minimum. Remove forced adds, usually a one time purchase, not here. You can choose daily, weekly, monthly, not permanently. Wow!
It is a shame we must tolerate such greed to play an app that is actually, I my opinion, worth playing. But with these limitation and forced ads, you get a big fat zero in my book.
I will check back later to see if you have changed your restrictions.


Rollic Games

I wrote on mar 10 still waiting for help


Please since you update last year where you changed your format of the puzzle I have been stuck on level 4. Can you not help resolve this issue? I loved the original format and was deeply sadden when it was changed. However if this is to be please help me get past level 4. A bit of customer support would be awesome.

Knock knock. Who’s there? Consumer? Consumer who? Never heard of you.


This is how if feels when it comes to us. You do not hear us at all! Way to many adds I see in most comments. What do you do? Increase the adds time from 30 seconds to 60-80 seconds! Really! Wow! You do not fix issues we experience. The bar when you tap to remove pieces, for the first tap only, on the daily calendar fills in more than one space. Sometimes it fills in almost the entire bar. Please fix this. I have been asking for months. Another thing I have been asking for months is the price for the “No Adds Option” is $12.99. Way to much!!! Please put this at a more reasonable cost, such as $4.99-$6.99 like most other apps. And the lame reply we have forward to our developers is not a reply, it is a brush off. Just lower the cost please. You know you get more when the rewards are sweet not bitter. Simple fixes. Maybe just maybe you can try listening to us this time. But I doubt that will happen.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Begging you to hear us!

   (This review has been deleted)

The bar when you tap to remove pieces, for the first tap only, on the daily calendar fills in more than one space. Sometimes it fills in almost the entire bar. Please fix this. I have been asking for months. Another thing I have been asking for months is the price for the “No Adds Option” is $12.99. Way to much!!! Please put this at a more reasonable cost, such as $4.99-$6.99 like most other apps. And the lame reply we have forward to our developers is not a reply, it is a brush off. Just lower the cost please. You know you get more when the rewards are sweet not bitter. Simple fixes. Thank you.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Frustrated, hello are you listening?


I cannot find a way for app support so here it is. Regarding the Challenge Level. There are 3 issues. First when you touch the first block for removal the bar which shows progress fill at least half way, most of the time more, which is not fair for us. The second issue is the app is not reading when I complete an image and starting me at day 1 again and having to watch a video for that day to redo the puzzle. This is despite the fact that I had completed the puzzle the day before and it shows it was finished. I sure hope I receive a reply and some assistance with these issues. I tried the Customer Support for your app ad and it said you are working on making apps. Well if your app is not working correctly you need to help there to. Customer Support is a must have not an inconvenience. You deserve more stars I hope to be able to give them. Finally I have to watch videos or use gems to buy moves because you have not given enough moves for the image we must tap the block from. I know for a fact I have not made 50 mistakes. There is an issue. Please fix these or at least acknowledge they are here! You want $12.99 for no adds yet you will not provide customer support or service. Really??? When I am acknowledged I will update my rating.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.



I am truly impressed!


An update was processed recently which updated the shop and fixed some internet connection issues. The update for the shop, to me, was just horrible. It raised costs considerably and there were no adjustments made for us. I stated my concerns and even was going to stop playing the app. I must say I was genuinely impressed when I was replied to and the representatives who heard my complaints and issues! They processed another update making what I though was some significant to the changes in the shop! I must say I have never had such awesome feedback and such a positive experience with an app! I cannot express my gratitude enough for listening to my concerns and what I felt many others would not like then to make changes accordingly! I now feel the shop changes are mostly to our benefits and the cosmetic changes are awesome as well. I will definitely continue to play and encourage others to play as well. And please if you have any concerns express them. They will listen. As far as I am concerned customer support deserves many more than 5 stars!



Latest update is horrific!

   (This review has been deleted)

I have been a dedicated player for a while now. Despite issues with internet connection I remained loyal and could not wait to play when this was fixed. I was elated when I was able to play until I seen the update with the shop. Is is complete unrealistic! Items went from 100 coins to up to 2000 coins! And there was no increase in coins for game play. How are we supposed to purchase these items at such a marked increase? We cannot. We just have to do without. Not a great option. Even the few items that increased by 50 coins will cause a big dent in time. And those are very few. Most items increased from 100 to 200 through 1000. I do not believe I will continue playing. If you could do something so outrageous without forethought of the impact it would have on the players. I would hate to think you thought of the impact and you processed the increases anyways. I am truly upset and disappointed in this update and what you did to us. I hope you will reconsider and change the costs back to previous amounts. Otherwise I doubt I will be the only player walking away.


   (This review has been deleted)

I cannot find a way for app support so here it is. Regarding the Challenge Level. There are 2 issues. First when you touch the first block for removal the bar which shows progress fill at least half way, most of the timer more, which is not fair for us. The second issue is the app is not reading when I complete an image and starting me at day 1 again and having to watch a video for that day to redo the puzzle. This is despite the fact that I had completed the puzzle the day before and it shows it was finished. I sure hope I receive a reply and some assistance with these issues. I tried the Customer Support for your app ad and it said you are working on making apps. Well if your app is not working correctly you need to help there to. Customer Support is a must have not an inconvenience. You deserve more stars I hope to be able to give them.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.



Do not get! What a rip off!


Not only did I not find a way to get customer support you will be ripped off! I purchased the “ no forced adds” option. I had to watch the forced adds any way! Then when I tried to get a refund because of this I was told “Does not qualify for a refund”! So not only does your app say one thing and do another it also rips you off because of your automated reply “Does not qualify for refund”! Wow! You need serious help in customer support or should I say lack of customer support. Very dissatisfied.

Awesome fun, however, need to lower cost for no adds

   (This review has been deleted)

Enjoy the app, make you think can be very challenging. You cost for no adds is outrageous! You have $9.99 for one week of no adds or $12.99 for permanent no adds. Really! Get with it, try $4.99 to $6.99 permanent no forced adds. Have you hear the saying “You attract more with honey than vinegar”? I Shute would play a lot more if this were the case.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Awesome job Walmart


Shopping on line with you is always a great experience for me. Very seldom, if ever, any issues. If there are any they are easily corrected or rectified. Very large selection. Great prices. Easy to use. Lot of great incentives for using the membership. This is very convenient for me. Delivery is always prompt. I am a dedicated user of this system and recommend you give it a fair shot. The new “In Home Delivery” is an amazing program! Absolutely the best reason to shop Walmart online. The associates are amazing, personal, yet professional. The bring in your order and put it away or the delivery it to where you want it. They are specially trained and they are the absolute best associates I have ever dealt with. You do not know what you ate missing out on if you do not give this option a try. Thank you Walmart.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/31/2023

Thanks for using the Walmart app! We appreciate you taking the time to rate us!



Enjoying, however, I Need help no way to contact support

   (This review has been deleted)

I am enjoying the game. You must think and it is challenging. I just started and I think I may keep the app as long as there are not many issues. I have an issue now which I need help with. I paid for no forced adds. I am still having to watch adds. Please remove adds or reimburse me. Thank you.

App is awesome, adds need to go!


Your app is awesome!lots of fun and challenging. But the adds are maddening and tiresome. There needs to be an option to eliminate all the adds. I see from many other ratings there are a lot of other players who feel the same way. Please consider adding this option. Here is hoping you will start to listen to us. Hank you in advance for adding this option.

Your update with the hints is horrible!


Your update where the hints button highlights 5 random pieces and you must put them in manually is just plain awful! It was much better when you touched the hints button and the piece was put in the puzzle automatically. I believe you should give us a choice of which way we want the hints option to function. And I do not think you listen or consider our input regarding what we prefer. I will no long play this app as long as this is the way the hints option will work. I have been a loyal player for years and I am very sad to see such a poor update and lack of consideration for our input. I cancelled my membership because I feel that strongly about it. Hope you change it back. I miss playing this app. A very sad player. ☹️

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2023

Thank you for your feedback. We aim to improve your experience. We're dedicated to optimizing the feature you mentioned and appreciate your valuable input. For additional suggestions or inquiries, please get in touch with us through My puzzle-Settings-Help Center.

Love the app, very unhappy with the update hint button option


I love this app. I love the puzzles. But your update with the hint button is awful just awful! You touch the hint button and 5 piece flash for you to put in. Used to be you touch the hint button and the pieces went in. Why did you do this? If some people want it fine give them that option. I do not like it at all. And do not want to do it. I did not get a great reply regard this update and cancelled my annual subscription. If you change this I will comeback if not you lost a faithful player.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2023

Thank you for your feedback. We aim to improve your experience. We're dedicated to optimizing the feature you mentioned and appreciate your valuable input. For additional suggestions or inquiries, please get in touch with us through My puzzle-Settings-Help Center.

Love the app, very unhappy with the update hint button option

   (This review has been deleted)

I love this app. I love the puzzles. But your update with the hint button is awful just awful! You touch the hint button and 5 piece flash for you to put in. Used to be you touch the hint button and the pieces went in. Why did you do this? If some people want it fine give them that option. I do not like it at all. And do not want to do it. If this does not change I will cancel my annual membership and move on to another app. I am sure many other feel the same way. Like I said it should be a choice to use or not use not forced to use whether you like it or not. I sent a request for assistance and I hope I receive a reply.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2023

Thank you for your feedback. We aim to improve your experience. We're dedicated to optimizing the feature you mentioned and appreciate your valuable input. For additional suggestions or inquiries, please get in touch with us through My puzzle-Settings-Help Center.


Rollic Games

Please help! I am once again stuck on a level ☹️


I am stuck on Level 4 Hardest Level. That is where I started after the update changed the format, which I was very sad about, and I have not been able to advance no matter how many times I have played the level or what I try. Please help me get past Level 4. Also I do not suppose it will make much difference but I would truly love too see the same format as before return. I love the way the app was previously.

Why no reply or way to contact you


Touched app support and seen we are focusing on development of our games. On this game the first time you touch a block in the build a figure puzzle half of the tap bar or more is filled in. And. Am also running into issues where there were no where near enough taps to complete an image. I had to add 60 touches for 1 image. And still $12.99 to remove adds. Try $3.99 to $5.99. No willing to pay so much, however, I hold on to hope. You make more money with honey not vinegar.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Rollic Games

Here we go again!

   (This review has been deleted)

I was so excited when I seen the update for your app! Finally we were going to get past level 101. Well I was totally surprised when I seen the dramatic changes you made to the app. I am not sure if I like them. I really enjoyed the way the app was originally. Now I cannot get past level 4. I just keep getting puzzles saying Vert Hard Level. Ther are several levels to 4 with locks on them. I cannot get to them. I am not sure what I am required to do. I do finish the puzzle and I get gold but I still do not go anywhere. I cannot even touch on the gear. It is frozen. Please advise on what is going on. And please do not make me wait months for another update.
I have had a few days to play this app, I definitely prefer the app the way it was before this update. Please consider a reversal and return the app to its previous format.
Either way I have the same issue I am stuck.


Rollic Games

Are you ever going to fix the issue with level 101? Please let us know!


The last piece will not clear the puzzle. You know this. It has been this way fora longtime. You have an awesome app here. It seems like a lot of people like it. So what is the delay in fixing this issue? If you have no intentions of correcting the problem let us know so we can move on. I would love to see it corrected and a lot more puzzles added. Please fix the problem. Dedicated yet frustrated.

Why no reply or way to contact you


Touched app support and seen we are focusing on development of our games. On this game the first time you touch a block in the build a figure puzzle half of the tap bar is colored in. This just started with the latest update. Hope you can resolve this soon. And still $12.99 to remove adds. Try $3.99 to $5.99. No willing to pay so much, however, hold on to hope.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Rollic Games

Are you ever going to fix the issue with level 101?

   (This review has been deleted)

The last piece will not clear the puzzle. You know this. It has been this way fora longtime. You have an awesome app here. It seems like a lot of people like it. So what is the delay in fixing this issue? If you have no intentions of correcting the problem let us know so we can move on. I would love to see it corrected and a lot more puzzles added. Please fix the problem. Dedicated yet frustrated.


Rollic Games

So sad!


I was so excited when I sen the update on December 12 because I thought I would fix the issue where we cannot get past level 101. Still cannot get past that level. Please can you provide a fix date? I am looking forward to playing this app again! Thank you


Rollic Games

Hello RU listening to us???


We are stuck on level 101! We cannot go any further the last piece will clear the board, however the board will not clear. If this is the last level please tell us and if it is are you going to make more levels for us? If not are you planning to fix this issue? This is an awesome app. I love it. I gave 3 stars for the lack of customer support otherwise it is 5 star app.

Love the app, still not happy with the speed of the hints


The app is great. I love the choice of puzzles and the layout took a bit of getting used to but it is good. There are easy right on up to difficult style of puzzles. The one thing I would have preferred is the speed of the hints to be faster like it was before. It is considerably slower and that can be a bit frustrating when you are trying to work through something. I suspect the speed is linked with other changes which means it probable cannot be changed. Still the app is worth the effort and definitely a keeper if you like to do puzzles.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2023

Thank you for your feedback. We aim to improve your experience. We're dedicated to optimizing the feature you mentioned and appreciate your valuable input. For additional suggestions or inquiries, please get in touch with us through My puzzle-Settings-Help Center.

I did receive a reply thank you.


The issues with bombs is being worked on and hopefully resolved w/next update. The cost for No Adds is $12.99. I suggested a lower cost similar to other apps of $3.99 to $5.99. Reply indicated they would consider a cost reduction. App is fun and can be challenging. I give 4 stars for app and 3 stars for consumer care, much better than -3 stars I gave before. Thank you for your reply.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Are you ever going to give us a way to contact you?

   (This review has been deleted)

Not only do I have the issue of having to watch a video even though there is no more blocks to clear, now if I use a bomb it will not recognize that I destroyed the blocks and the board will not complete itself. I must close the app, reopen it and repeat the board. A reply would be appreciated on these issues. Hopefully you will hear us. Still after almost every puzzle you have a 10 second add. Your remarks if we do not want adds purchase the “No Adds” option for $12.99, way to much. Try $3.99 to $5.99. You are not making a great environment or impression here. I gave 3 stars for the app, I give -3 for consumer care.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/03/2023

Hello, 52carolld! We apologize for the inconvenience you've experienced. Our team is aware of the video and bomb issues and is actively working on resolving them in the next update. Regarding the ads, we understand your concern and will take your feedback into consideration for future pricing adjustments. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Did you think we would not figure it out!

   (This review has been deleted)

Wow! The app is fun. You must think, however, your latest upgrade is the worst one yet! You gave us the option to purchase “ no adds” Thank you, however, it costs way to much! Then you made it so that after almost every puzzle you have a 10 second add! Really!!! So now it more frustrating than ever to play. Your remarks if we do not want to put up with the adds purchase the “No Adds” option for $12.99! You are not making a great environment or impression here. I gave 3 stars for the app, I give -3 for consumer care.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/16/2023

Hi! Thanks for your review. We are sorry to hear that some game elements keep you from enjoying the game :( We will definitely pass this to our team. We hope that you will still continue exploring the levels! Have a great day! With any question arising, you can definitely contact us by using our Support Team email address → [email protected] We will take care of every question.
Thank you!

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