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Never has what I’m looking for


It’s a great app. Works great. But I only find the books I’m looking for 30% of the time. Makes me wonder why I even pay for this sometimes.

App barely works

   (This review has been deleted)

Can’t do anything without the app telling me to update to the newest version when there is no update available, keeps not letting me post saying the internet is bad when I’m on high speed internet. And every time I click on something they’re trying to force me to pay for amino plus. Why would I pay extra for an app that doesn’t even work? You built this tower. Don’t be surprised when it falls.


Meta Platforms, Inc.

Don’t want AI


The fact that you’re trying to force question prompts on us beneath major posts tells me that nobody else wants your stupid AI either.


HyperBeard Inc.

I love the game


The new update did something to my app though where it doesn’t update the shop items after you buy from a store. I bought a wallpaper at Dawn’s yesterday and the spot it was in is still empty when it normally updates items every hour?

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/08/2024

Hello, we are sorry that you experienced this issue. Please update the game to the latest version of the game, it should help with the issue. If it persists, please send us a message to [email protected] .We’ll be glad to help you.


Meta Platforms, Inc.

Worst update ever


I’m so tired of this h3llsite

You people are getting paid to run this?


Can’t even update the app right. The last several times I’ve opened the app it goes through some app update scroll thing and makes me reconfigure how I view the schedule. Every. Single. Time. You think we have time for this? We don’t. The time spent scrolling through your useless nonsense to find client information could be used just asking my clients verbally.

This app is the worst


I seriously have not seen a slower schedule app ever. And we were using a system from the 90s before this. This app is so terrible I could probably walk an hour to work and book appointments in our computer before this would even load the day I need to look at. I’d say I hope the people running this get fired but it looks like you already did or this would have been fixed months ago. I would sooner walk across broken glass than recommend this dumpster fire of an app to any stylist. This crap gets in the way of my timing and my income. I’m not sorry for the way I’ve worded this.

Can’t see what I’m typing on the app


Whatever your new update did, I can’t see what I’m typing. Oh and no one wants your streaming option. If anyone wanted that, twitch or TikTok are a thing that already existed.


Hive Social, Inc. (Apps)

Needs A LOT of work


Takes at least 3 attempts to make any kind of post on here. The app will either crash or tell you it just can’t upload it. Not very good for a social media platform if you can’t be social. I’m getting increasingly frustrated with how much worse this app has gotten since it started. Nothing seems to be done about fixing any of it. Never thought I would see the day I would choose tumblr over another app


Hive Social, Inc. (Apps)

Lot of promise, lot of glitches

   (This review has been deleted)

Can’t even go through pictures to upload without the app crashing. Won’t let me connect my Spotify account for some reason. The app often doesn’t let me interact with other people’s post for no reason. I know all of this is fixable but the developers clearly weren’t prepared for the large volume of people flooding this platform. Ya’ll have a lot of work to do before this app compares to Facebook or Twitter but I’m willing to stick around and see.


Hit Networks Ltd

Subtitles would be nice


I love documentaries but I often struggle with understanding some accents and certain ways of speaking. I have no idea what some people who are speaking English are saying in some of these documentaries.

Glitchiest app I have on my phone


This is the only app I have that drains my battery life just by having it open. I sit there and watch my battery life drop 5-10% in under a minute without doing anything. And there is always something not functioning. My app is updated and it won’t let me follow someone on amino because somehow the app needs to be updated. And don’t even get me started on losing messages I know I sent. If I didn’t have friends on Amino, I would have deleted this app long ago. Download at your own risk. I hope you carry a phone charger with you wherever you go.

One of my favorite social media apps


You get to meet people all over the world, and unlike other apps the communities help to filter content into what you're wanting to focus on, which is neat, however if you're an adult and wanting to talk to other adults you will find it hard here. There are plenty of people my age on here, just not enough. So if you're adult and reading this, please come join us. I don't like feeling like a baby sitter.


Vero Labs Inc

Has a lot of potential


It's just really buggy. Runs slow, some days it doesn't let me upload things or doesn't let me like any kind of post. It's really hard to pull up someone's profile page 99% of the time.
Otherwise I love the style of the app. Nothing I'll stop using by any means I just think there's a lot to work on.

One of the better dating apps


My only criticism of the app is how much is restricted to premium content. Otherwise girls are more active on here and it's a lot easier to talk to them. It's one of my favorites


Cosmic Latte s.r.o

Never seen an app like this before


I love the personality quizzes you take for finding the ideal partner and I like that there isn't too much premium only content.


Storm8 Studios

No internet?


I was loving this game until it tells me whether or not I'm connected to wifi that I have no internet connection. I have no problem with internet connection with any other app. Even restarted my phone and it gave the same message.


First Community Credit Union (MO)

Easy to use


Very user friendly app. I've never had problems with it.



I try to scroll down my dashboard and all of the sudden I will be scrolled back to the top and every time I try to go back down it pulls me back to the top. I have to restart the app to make it stop

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