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App won’t open


Opens up the splash screen….and that’s it. Will not do anything else. Going to have to do like everyone else and turn off 2FA so I don’t get locked out of my account.
Fix this. ASAP.


Particle Media Inc.

All about the ads…


They replaced the “Following” tab with a “Videos” tab now. I don’t want to watch videos. I want to read articles from sources I follow and not what you force on the feed. I follow those sources because they aren’t LOADED with ads, they’re local, and I can actually read them. Now, what’s the point of following my preferred sources when I can’t even find them? Super frustrating.
The vast majority of “news sources” on this app are overflowing with ads. To the point where they aren’t readable. Even the opening splash screen for the app itself is misleading and invasive. BTW, for you newbies, there used to never be an opening ad splash. You used to be able to just, you know, READ THE NEWS. Advertising in this app has gotten out of control. This app used to be my go-to news source. Frustration and disappointment is all I get now. I am so done with this thing. How I wish there was an app out there that actually lets me read the local news I care about and not the drivel that comes from corporate media. 😡😤

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/22/2023

We're currently working to improve these kinds of preferences and customization features, please bear with us! Your feedback will be forwarded to the team. 


PeopleFun, Inc.

Ads are out of control


I play this game all the time. Or I should say I used to. I understand ads help pay the bills. Programmers need to eat, too. However, ads have gotten more and more instrusive as time goes on. They are now on a timer. Regardless of whether you’re in the middle of a puzzle or not. Forming your last word to complete the level? Ad. Trying to get that extra couple of stars by beating the timer? Ad. Close and reset the game? 10 second in….ad. Finish a puzzle? Ad. Start a puzzle? Ad. They were tolerable being before or after a puzzle. I could at least close and restart the game getting me back to the puzzles quicker. But during a puzzle with no warning? No hint at all that it’s coming? Intrusive and frustrating. Making ads not last so long (5 seconds at MOST) and NOT HAVING TO SIT/TAP-CLOSE THROUGH 3 LAYERS OF THEM would have been better. Some ads even force open the App store or Safari (regardless of if you close them or not) opening up all kinds of channels for viruses, spam hacks, or accidental purchases. How am I supposed to know this “advertiser’s” website is trustworthy? I’ve played this game for a couole years now as a form of relaxing and zoning out but not anymore. I can’t even do THAT without getting begged and hounded for money at every single turn. I’m not giving my money to a company who resorts to these kinds of measures, even if that means paying removes the ads. Ridiculous. I can’t recommend this game to anyone. Deleted.

Ads, ads, ads….


Can’t even watch a 10-15 minute video without being bombarded by ads. Getting absolutely ridiculous.


Taylor Precision Products, Inc.

Waste of time and money


Just like everyone else, “Network Error”. I’m assuming it’s because you want everyone to go out and buy a new scale? Well this is a bad way to do it. Especially since there is no replacement app in the App Store. Support your product and update this app so it functions. Ridiculous.


Aviation Data Systems, Inc

Not bad


Not the most comprehensive map ever. No overlay for fronts, highs, and lows. Descriptions for daily forcasts aren’t expandable. But the radar is good and sever weather coverage is good. Decent for a free app. MUCH better than any other “free” app out there.


SDI Technologies



The app, when it works, is fine. Unfortunately, it constantly has to reconnect to the speaker every 25 seconds or so rendering the app unsuable. After reconnecting it pops up the color selection sub-menu. Completely skipping over the main screen where the music is played. Wouldn’t sync with my music. Not that it really had a chance to since it had to reconnect every 25 seconds. Speaker used is the iBT85. Another odd quirk is when connecting via bluetooth through the iPhone settings menu, the speaker shows up as “iHome iBT85.” Works just fine that way although you can’t control any of the color schemes (which is the sole reason for the Enhance app in the first place). Yet when the app connects to it, a second description shows up as “iHome iBT86_ble.” “Ble” stands for “bluetooth low energy”. This is the only version the iHome Enhance app will connect to. Which I suspect is the problem since low energy usually means poor connectivity and thus the app reconnecting to the speaker every 25 seconds, making it unusable. Developer: Get this fixed ASAP if you want people to use your app. Consumer: I recommend saving yourself the hassle and skipping this app until they fix it, which, judging by their history, will take months.

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/07/2018

We apologize for the delayed response. The iHome Enhance App was updated on 9/25/2018. Please uninstall the app, restart your phone then download version 3.0.2 . Connect the iHome Unit to your phone first via Bluetooth, then connect the phone to the App (ble). We look forward to your updated review.
Best Regards,
iHome Support



This is a pizzle game right? Well with the recent update, there are no puzzles. Like anywhere. Tap on “play”, tap the level, tap the puzzle number, .....no puzzle. Hard to play a puzzle game when there’s no puzzle to play.

No data yet.No data yet.