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Been glitchy since the new update


So since the new update there has been 3 problems, the first is the replays which half the time dont relay your battles right, which is not that big of an issue, secondly sometimes throughout playing the game it gets really laggy, like all the way down to 2fps and I usually have to reset it, and lastly the most prominent issue is when getting treat reward and having your characters level up from deployments, when you go to check on your stuff, some of the treats and levels disappear i beat a realm and got 3 gold treats and went to use em and it said i only had one (it went back to normal when i took a break and came back) and i finished a deployment recently and i had 2 characters lvl up from 1 to 9 which is cool but when i went to my collection they all of sudden was at 5 and they haven’t changed since, at least fix the lvl issue

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hi there,

Unfortunately we don't really have much control over the quality of the internet connection players use to play the mode. You may have strong connection, but your opponents might not.
However, in the Versus menu you can use Connection Setting to only join fights with good connections. It might help you find better fights!

For deployments, your fighters will always receive XP when returning from them. The chance for receiving a relic from it are not always guaranteed however. You can view the percentage chance of whether you will receive them when you send them out.

We hope that helps!


X Corp.

The views update is not good.


Imma just keep this short and simple, please either take off the views attachment as a whole or just make it the last to see. It was fine when it was only on mine but now that it’s everywhere its confusing me

Cast to tv problems.


So when i connect to my tv and press shuffle playlist, it shuffles it like normal.. until it goes to the next video, THEN it switches the queue back to the order the playlist was in. A queue shouldn’t be switching and changing on it own. Please fix it. Everything else is fine, except it freezes for 5 seconds when you play a playlist



Game keeps crashing when i play with controller


It works fine but soon as i play and hook up my controller it started lagging heavily and then crash.


RobTop Games AB

Cant open the app


When i try to open the app it displays the icon then rapidly exits out the game. Its been doing this for months and i haven’t been able to play for so long. I was wondering if you can help in a way please

Frame rate is too low fix that


I thought this was gonna be a high frame rate gif maker but eh

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