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Hard Time
Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!
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Version History

  • Version2023-02-01

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    - Enhanced compatibility with the latest versions of Android.
    - Improved controller support for paying customers, which now recognizes Xbox One+ & Playstation 5 as standard. Older devices may need to use the "Calibration" option.

    App Description

    De zwaarste gevangenis sim in de tuin - nu het vieren van meer dan 10 miljoen downloads !!!

    Maak je eigen gevangene en proberen te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een 'dood' zin. Wrijf de schouders met maximaal 100 medegevangenen in een uitgestrekte gevangenis van 12 unieke gebieden, elk gevuld met volledig interactieve meubels en rekwisieten. Plus een leven buiten de gevangenis bevolkt door echte burgers, met bewakers handhaving van tientallen verschillende wetten om je te stoppen van het maken van een break voor.

    Elke dag vindt u uw gezondheid en geestelijke toestand wegglijden. Beide kunnen worden hersteld door te slapen - dat is ook een goede manier om tijd te doden. U zult altijd niet toegestaan ​​om te slapen, hoewel, dus het consumeren van voedsel en drank overbrugt de kloof. Deze, samen met vele andere activiteiten, zoals lezen of tv kijken, kan ook helpen om uw mentale toestand te verbeteren. Als u 'verliest je geest "vindt u breken en zal tijdelijk de controle over je karakter te verliezen (vrijwel zeker krijgen in de problemen!).

    Jouw personage heeft ook een reeks van attributen die je uitgedaagd om te verbeteren:
    - STERKTE geeft aan hoeveel schade je kunt toebrengen of te absorberen. U kunt verbeteren door te vechten of gewichtheffen.
    - AGILITY bepaalt hoe snel je beweegt. U kunt het verbeteren door het joggen in de tuin of scoren manden.
    - VERSTAND weerspiegelt uw kennis - met inbegrip van de bestrijding van vaardigheden zoals tellers. U kunt het verbeteren door het lezen van boeken.
    - Reputatie is hoeveel andere gevangenen respect voor je. Kan worden verbeterd door het uitoefenen van taken of intimiderend anderen.

    Er zijn ook mogelijkheden om geld te verdienen - of u er voor werken met een bezem, handel items met winst, of lopen met een bende. Het hebben van geld verhoogt je kansen om de wielen te smeren en maak uw leven binnen makkelijker.

    Het kan zijn dat je nodig hebt om naar het toilet van tijd tot tijd, in welk geval u moet rennen naar de badkamer! Als alternatief kunt u een toilet om op te zitten of pak wat wc-papier om je bloost sparen vinden. Als u dit niet doet zal je reputatie en geestelijke toestand beschadigen.

    Ik betreur het dat er meer aan dit spel dan ik ooit hier uit te leggen, dus ik hoop dat je geniet ervan uitgaande dat een aantal dingen voor jezelf.

    Upgrade naar "VIP" om de volledige ervaring zonder advertenties te genieten - plus toegang tot de editor waarmee je je personage en elk ander aan te passen.

    (* Kijk uit voor tutorials binnen het eigenlijke spel)
    De game maakt gebruik van knoppen, waar letters zoals GTA vertegenwoordigen wat ze doen:
    G = Grapple / Throw wapen
    T = Taunt (interactie met handheld props)
    A = Attack (op zichzelf te schoppen, met een richting aan stempel)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop

    andere controles
    - Druk ATTACK en RUN samen om een ​​krachtige aanval te lanceren.
    - Druk op een knop met elke richting (of geen) in een grapple om verschillende bewegingen activeren.
    - Druk op RUN en pick-up samen in brand te steken een klein object (die vervolgens kunnen worden gebruikt om brand te steken een groot object).
    - Druk op de klok om het spel te pauzeren en breng up opties om af te sluiten.
    - Raak een tekstballon te versnellen door middel van gesprekken.

    - Als u uw apparaat vinden worstelt om veel tekens weer te geven, rekening houdend met het bijhouden van de optie 'Population "low.
    - "Speed ​​Up Frame Rate" slapende zullen goede prestaties op het standaard frame rate nodig.
    - Ga naar de opties "Display" te zwakken andere functies.

  • Version1.45

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!

    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.

    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).

    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.

    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.

    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.

    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.

    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.

    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop

    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.

    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.

  • Version2021-04-08
    Size:Varieert per apparaat

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    - Wider display for enhanced compatibility with modern phones in either landscape orientation.
    - Faster frame rate recommended by default (130%).

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!
    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.
    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).
    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.
    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.
    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.
    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.
    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.
    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop
    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.
    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.

  • Version2021-03-26
    Size:Varieert per apparaat

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    - Wider display better suited to modern phones.
    - Faster frame rate recommended by default (150%).

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!
    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.
    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).
    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.
    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.
    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.
    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.
    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.
    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop
    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.
    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.

  • Version2021-03-24
    Size:Varieert per apparaat

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    - Full use of notched/wide screens wherever possible.
    - Slightly faster frame rate recommended by default (130%).

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!
    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.
    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).
    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.
    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.
    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.
    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.
    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.
    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop
    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.
    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.

  • Version2020-08-18
    Size:Varieert per apparaat

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    Enhanced compatibility with 64-bit devices in either landscape orientation.

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!
    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.
    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).
    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.
    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.
    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.
    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.
    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.
    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop
    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.
    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.

  • Version
    Size:Varieert per apparaat

    Poging om te overleven in een gevangenis waar elke zin is een doodvonnis!

    Update Log

    Enhanced compatibility with 64-bit devices in either landscape orientation.

    App Description

    The toughest prison sim in the yard - now celebrating over 10 MILLION downloads!!!
    Create your own inmate and attempt to survive in a prison where every sentence is a "death" sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail of 12 unique areas, each filled with fully interactive furniture and props. Plus a life beyond the jail populated by real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of different laws to stop you from making a break for it.
    Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Both can be restored by sleeping - which is also a good way to pass time. You won't always be permitted to sleep, though, so consuming food and drink bridges the gap. These, along with many other activities such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. If you "lose your mind" you will break down and will temporarily lose control of your character (almost certainly getting into trouble!).
    Your character also has a set of attributes that you are challenged to improve:
    - STRENGTH indicates how much damage you can inflict or absorb. You can improve it by fighting or lifting weights.
    - AGILITY determines how fast you move. You can improve it by jogging in the yard or scoring baskets.
    - INTELLECT reflects your knowledge - including fighting skills such as counters. You can improve it by reading books.
    - REPUTATION is how much other prisoners respect you. It can be improved by accomplishing tasks or intimidating others.
    There are also opportunities to earn money - whether you work for it with a broom, trade items at a profit, or run with a gang. Having money increases your opportunities to grease the wheels and make your life inside easier.
    You may find that you need to go to the toilet from time to time, in which case you must race to the bathroom! Alternatively, you could find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental state.
    I regret that there is more to this game than I could ever explain here, so I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.
    Upgrade to "VIP" to enjoy the full experience without ads - plus access to the editor that allows you to customize your character and every other.
    (*Look out for tutorials within the actual game)
    The game uses buttons where letters like GTA represent what they do:
    G = Grapple / Throw weapon
    T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)
    A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)
    R = Run
    P = Pick-Up / Drop
    - Press ATTACK and RUN together to launch a powerful attack.
    - Press any button with any direction (or none) in a grapple to trigger different moves.
    - Press RUN and PICK-UP together to set fire to a small object (which can then be used to set fire to a large object).
    - Touch the clock to pause the game and bring up options to exit.
    - Touch any speech bubble to speed through conversations.
    - If you find your device struggles to display lots of characters, considering keeping the "Population" option low.
    - "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping will require good performance at the default frame rate.
    - Head to the "Display" options to tone down other features.