1. Standard configuration and monitoring tool for synertronixx devices and modules. Search, find and configure devices in LAN and WLAN. 2. Use app as a TCP/IP socket based remote control (RC) and visualization tool more info for "Configuration tool": - DeviLAN uses UDP broadcast messages to request and change network configuration for modules like CAN2Web-Advanced or CAN2Web-Professional. TCP/IP communication is used for setting parameters and monitoring device. - Configure and monitor CANIO modules connected to CAN-bus via CAN2Web. more info for "Remote control & Visualization": - Use DeviLAN App as a TCP/IP socket based remote control (RC) and visualization tool - Create your own remote control and send accelerometer data to control your (embedded) device - No iOS programming necessary, just send the configuration data via socket - With simple commmands add sliders, switches, buttons, textfields, progress bars, webview, scroll texts, graphs, maps ... - …segment/radio-buttons and pickers. - Create bar graphs, pie charts, curves and other complex graphics and more ... - Use PC based test tool (remote control & visulization server) to see how RC works - Use free RC & visualization sample code for Linux to start your project - Use free Python scripts to control Raspberry Pi (Pi-Finder, RC-Server, Simple webserver) - Simply modify the scripts to control your Raspberry Pi hardware and other peripheral devices. - Please use product manual and help webpages to get more info