Don’t miss your class or any activity with this school timetable – manage your class schedule. ⌘ School Schedule (Timetable) ⌘ ◆ Create multiple timetables in one school Class Table! ◆ Manage your school schedule: classes, activities, or notes in a planner. ◆ Plot your class schedule on the timetable per period or by subject. ◆ Custom your school timetable to see colorful subjects for a more organized school schedule ◆ Move a plotted subject by “drag and drop”. It’s that easy! ◆ Plot 5-9 subjects or classes in one day! ◆ Add Saturday or Sunday to the school timetable if you have activities for the whole week. ◆ Send your custom class timetable with your classes or list of subjects to your classmate or friend. After all, sharing is loving! ⌘ Classes or Subjects ⌘ ◆ Customize your subject title or choose the general subjects on the list. ◆ Assign each subject with 18 different colors to easily identify it among the other subjects. ◆ Add notes, if you want, like the time of your class, your classroom number for each subject, or even your teacher’s name! It will be displayed on the timetable screen. ⌘ Tasks in To Do List ⌘ ◆ List down your homework, exams, submissions, other tasks, or any activity for each subject in the To Do list. ◆ Add the deadline of the task to be reminded of your to-do! They will be listed by dates so you know which to-do to do first! ◆ Assign the homework by its subject and color! That’s cool in a school schedule! ◆ Simply tap on the box to check the task off the To Do list when you are done. ◆ See all your completed to-dos in the Completed tab and feel better about your accomplishments! ClassTable is like a planner for school schedules. Any student from middle school, high school, or even college needs a student class schedule or a simple school timetable to manage or handle their daily school schedule where they can put each subject and to-do activities like their assignments or homework or even upcoming exams or tests. You can have a colorful school timetable for your school schedule with a simple yet cool design that is easy to use. This free class timetable app has NO ADS! That’s cooler.