Featured as a Top 10 productivity app in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and many more countries. Whether you're managing personal items, cherished collectibles, business inventory, or household belongings, our app is tailored for all. Create a database encompassing details of individual items or entire collections (location, warranty status, purchase details, receipt/invoice scans, and value). Receive notifications as warranties expire. Categorize items with tags for easy retrieval and management. Access the app from any Apple device you own. Store data locally, sync across devices with Apple iCloud, or export to CSV/PDF. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. A single, one-time, fair payment ensures full access (no in-app purchases, no subscriptions, no ads). ◆ ITEMS - Each item can include: title, image, unit count, purchase price, and notes. - Link items to a location (one), category (one), tags (multiple), and receipt (one). - Track warranty and its expiration date. ◆ WARRANTIES - Set warranty expiration dates. - If an item breaks or malfunctions, easily check its purchase date (e.g., for support calls), show or send the receipt as proof of purchase. - Receive notifications as warranties expire (using system local notifications). ◆ PLACES / CONTAINERS / BOXES - Designate places and locations like wardrobe, attic, garage. - A place can have a title, label, and a list of associated items. - From place details, add a new item or link/unlink multiple existing items with simple check/uncheck. ◆ CATEGORIES - Item types e.g., electronics, toys, tools. - Each category can have a title, icon, and a list of associated items. - Create and link/unlink multiple items at once from a category. ◆ TAGS - Item characteristics e.g., “rarely used”, “for sale”. - Tags have titles (with emojis); each item can have multiple tags. - Create and link/unlink multiple items at once from a tag. ◆ RECEIPT MANAGEMENT - Save, categorize, and easily access all your receipts. - Receipts can include scans, photos, purchase date, purchase place, and notes. - List of connected items with prices. ◆ ROBUST DATA EXPORT AND BACKUP OPTIONS - Export detailed reports in PDF or individual receipts, item photos, or PDFs. - Save data in CSV for easy sharing and backup. - Backup using Apple iCloud sync, storing data on Apple servers. ◆ WORK & SYNC ON ALL YOUR APPLE DEVICES - Enable Apple iCloud sync to share data across all your Apple devices. - For instance, use iPhone to add items to your database, iPad to manage them, and MacBook for more complex operations. - Sync uses Apple iCloud technology and servers, ensuring top-level security and privacy. We have no access to your data. ◆ NO REGISTRATION - No registration required. - We do not store any information about your app activity, nor do we sell data related to you. ◆ ONLY ONE SINGLE PAYMENT - Pay once, a modest amount nearly equivalent to a cup of coffee. - Enjoy the app forever on iPhone, iPad, and MacBook at one single price, with free updates. - No in-app purchases, subscriptions, or ads. Join thousands of satisfied users who trust our app to manage their items and keep their data organized. Download now and discover a smarter way to keep track of your belongings!