Team Buzz is a virtual tool to help you and your remote team cultivate the culture of working without interruptions. TeamBuzz can help you: SET YOUR WORK BOUNDARIES - Work without interruptions by setting your work boundaries - Start your day by setting your limits - Respect the boundaries of your team members - Let them respect yours too BLOCK YOUR FOCUS SLOTS - Focus on deep work by creating focus slots in your day - Stop meetings and calls from distracting you - Go in the deep work zone while defining your focus slots TAKE BREATHERS - Working continuously can be exhausting - Get reminded of taking short breaks to rejuvenate - Take long breaths with TeamBuzz ANALYZE YOUR DAY - Always go back to your day and see what went right, wrong too - Compare your daily schedules with that of your team’s and align your efforts INVITE YOUR TEAMS - Invite your teams to be a part of your workspace - Be a part of the squad that works together, seamlessly CLOCKIN WITH A SMILE - Stay social with your remote team - Clockin with a selfie and a smile Let your teams know that you’ve started for the day - Watch them smile too and be in sync