Have you ever dreamt of making money sharing on your social networks? adMingle is the world’s first 'Personal Advertising Network', a place where you can receive cool campaigns from big brands, and get paid to talk about them! adMingle finds the best companies, and the freshest viral content, and then based on what you tell us about your interests, we’ll send you their social media campaigns to share across your social networks. adMingle then pays you for your time, unlike any social network in the world. Statistics show that we are spending 2 hours a day on average using social media and messaging. That’s 60 hours a month, or 8 working days we‘re working for the social networks, for free! We’re here to change the world; to introduce the conversation economy, to show you that “Sharing” is great, and free, but when you 'Mingle' your share carries a value! And even if you don’t think you’re that influential, you can still make money with adMingle. How? Just download the app and join the revolution! Start making money from your social media today! Highlight: * You can get paid cash directly to your bank account, or via other payment methods that we support in your country. * We give you the opportunity to be creative and create your own posts when endorsing. You can write everything in your own style! * We are available in 14 countries and are increasing support in more countries as we go.