ChurchSnaps is a fun, easy way to share moments from mission trips and church events with the whole congregation. Create private albums away from social media where everyone you invite can add their own photos and make comments. Perfect for mission trips: • Update from anywhere: Post photos, videos, and notes while traveling • Group contributions: Everyone with the app can add something of their own Great for church events: • Get everyone's take: Capture the event from every angle • Build an album: Automatically collect photos for download later Bring everyone together: • Get involved: Anyone with the app can add photos, videos, or notes • Stay informed: ChurchSnaps alerts you when things are posted How it works: 1. Create: Make an album for your trip, event, or church group 2. Invite: Pick the people who'll be able to see and add to the album 3. Share: Start putting photos and videos in the album Churches all over are using ChurchSnaps: • Keep it private: Share with your congregation away from social media • An app for everyone: Access ChurchSnaps through gorgeous mobile apps and the web • Useful alerts: Know when the people you've invited post new things to an album Built by the team that created Cluster, featured as a Best New App in the App Store