myCAPPTAIN is an APP developed by captains for captains. It transforms your iPhone or iPad into a most efficient administrative tool. It is suitable for both ship owners & for skippers who charter - for planning, running & handling toerns, as well as for general administrative matters for the ship. myCAPPTAIN can be installed & run on any iPhone or iPad (the latter mandatorily with WIFI & cellular), on any system younger or equal than 8.1. myCAPPTAIN needs no access to the World Wide Web, it does not depend on any websites but only uses GPS. Thus, it can also be worked without a SIM card in your iPad, & there are no roaming services needed (except for in app purchases). Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. myCAPPTAIN – Functionalities: Running a log book with automatic, individual & maneuver-driven log entries Maneuver check lists Changeable basic weather data Cash box with various currencies Handling of crew arrivals & departures with corresponding cash box & log book reports Administrative handling of check lists Administrative handling of tasks & To Do’s Taking over & returning the ship Radio communication procedures eMail sendings of toern planning reports & check lists to all crew members Sendings of log book & cash box reports also for closed toerns. Directly available/visible PDF lists for log book, cash box, toern plannings & all check lists APP documentation with theme glossary Additional - Functionalities (In App Purchases): All PDFs can be sent by eMail Planning of Toerns Functions for ship owners - Ship owner cash box with various currencies - Cost reports & statistics with cost comparison function - Event driven tasks with check lists, e.g. maintenance checks based on engine hours, log counting, season start & ending - Ship documentation directly available/visible with PDF lists