Just tap on a route map to look up transit information anywhere in the world. NAVITIME Transit allows you to search for routes whilst looking at the route map. It is a free app that provides safe and secure travel whilst on overseas holidays, business trips, and other travel scenarios. You can also check the travel times to your destination, transfer stations, the stops on transit routes, and the traffic information, with the transfer search. NAVITIME Transit: By selecting and downloading the country you want to use, you can search routes all over the world, using the route maps and railway information maintained by NAVITIME. On the route map screen, users can search for their next station or use maps of the area around the station to confirm their current location. This allows users to plan a trip smoothly, from their current location to their destination. The street view feature showing the area surrounding stations also allows the user to confirm the location of each station correctly. NAVITIME offers trip planning for undergrounds, buses, ferries, and in-country aeroplane travel. The app can also be used in offline mode. Countries Asia - Cambodia: Phnom Penh - China: Shanghai / Guangzhou / Chengdu / Dalian / Hangzhou / Beijing / Shenyang / Qingdao / Tianjin / Wuhan - Hong Kong · Macau - India: Mumbai / Delhi - Indonesia: Jakarta - Korea: Seoul / Busan - Japan: Tokyo - Myanmar: Yangon - Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur - Philippines: Manila - Singapore - Taiwan: Taipei / Kaohsiung - Thailand: Bangkok - Vietnam: Hanoi / Ho Chi Minh Europe - Belgium: Brussels - Finland: Helsinki - France: Paris / Toulouse / Marseille / Lyon / Rennes - Germany: Berlin / Frankfurt / Munich / Hamburg / Dusseldorf - Italy: Rome / Milan / Turin - Norway: Oslo - Spain: Barcelona / Madrid - Sweden: Stockholm - Switzerland: Zurich - United Kingdom: London Americas - Canada: Vancouver - Mexico: Mexico City - United States: New York / Chicago / Boston / Washington DC / San Francisco / Houston / Los Angeles / San Diego / Seattle / San Jose Oceania - Australia: Sydney [About Premium member] ■Details By agreeing to the terms of use, the fee will be charged to your iTunes account and you will be able to use all the features. We use the automatic recurring billing function (Auto Renewable Subscription). Charges for automatic renewal will be made from 24 hours before the end of the validity period until the end of the validity period. ■How to cancel automatic updates To cancel/set automatic renewal, go to "Settings" > "Tap your name" > "Subscription". You can stop automatic renewal by selecting "Cancel subscription" at least 24 hours before the end of the validity period. ■Terms of use https://static.aws.navitime.com/term-of-service/index.html ■Privacy policy https://static.aws.navitime.com/privacy-policy/index.html