Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter ...a holiday in Bolzano and environs is good for body and soul and offers a broad variety of hiking trails and destinations. Hiking and biking lovers will enjoy the comfortable temperatures in this cultural landscape, which is full of history. Top 7 destinations: – Geoparc Bletterbach and Monte Corno Nature Parc: The ‘Grand Canyon’ of South Tyrol was formed about 15,000 years ago. It is nearly 8 km long and 400 metres deep and is part of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage. – Lago di Caldaro/Kalterer See and Laghi di Monticolo/Montiggler Seen: During the summer, the popular bathing lakes of the Upper Etsch region are a great destination if you want to escape the heat. – South Tyrolean Wine Road: On more than 40 kilometres, the South Tyrolean Wine Road invites you to a tour of discovery through this blessed part of the world ... and its wines. – Salten mountain: The sunny high plateau above Bolzano with its phenomenal panoramic views and Europe’s largest larch meadows is an ideal starting point for hiking trips, cycling or horse riding. – Val Sarentino Alps: 100 summits and peaks crown the Val Sarentino. Hikers, mountain bikers, friends of winter sports and ski tours, as well as snow-shoe hikers can find a fascinating variety of holiday offers in this valley. – Renon/Ritten: All year round, the Ritten mountain is accessible for hikers and during the winter, a well-marked hiking trail has turned into the first award-winning winter premium hiking path in Italy. – Bolzano, capital of Südtirol/Alto Adige: There are three cable railways starting in the Mediterranean wine town of Bolzano and reaching up into the higher mountain regions (Colle/Kohlern, Renon/Ritten, San Genesio/Jenesien). A first step into the Bolzano and environs region is definitely worth taking. In any season! Attention: when using the app abroad you may incur in high roaming coasts. Your battery may run short when using the app in the background with an activated GPS!