Download free Boaters Self-Service app · Harbour guests have up-to-date information and real- time overview of available berths, book in advance or pay mobile when arrived. · Seasonal berth holders report expected return date when checking out and share booking details with fellow boat owners Features · Harbour information and rules, services, contacts · Warning of insufficient draught · Guest slip fees information according to vessel size · Vessel(s) management · Captain contacts management · Credit card data management · Booking details, also Seasonal booking in your home harbour · Sharing of booking details with fellow boat owners · Check-in and out of vessels · Reporting of expected return date for seasonal berth owners Self-Service is enabled thanks to Marina Ahoy harbour management + invoicing software. Harbourmasters using Marina Ahoy spend only one minute Checking Your vessel in and creating an invoice. And a second after you get the confirmation and invoice to your Email. By using our Self-Service app you are in charge of your own time and for harbourmaster the management is automated. Want better customer experience? Ask Your harbour for Marina Ahoy!