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Deezer: Music Player, Podcast
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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By karoge239   


06/26/2024 19:16:30
Airplay volume changes while clicking bottom bar to show cover

By Shayan LP   

I've noticed a persistent issue with AirPlay devices. When I click on the bottom bar to show the full cover, the volume drops significantly. This forces me to adjust the volume back to my desired level every time. It's a consistent and frustrating bug that disrupts my listening experience. Could you please investigate and fix this problem? The volume should remain stable when interacting with the interface, and this flaw has persisted for far too long. Addressing this would greatly enhance the usability and enjoyment of the app. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/20/2024

Hello Shayan, I am sorry to hear about your problems. Details can be found about HomePod here: https://support.deezer.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019279917-Apple-HomePod
Contact our customer support if you continue to have problems: https://support.deezer.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115003864625-Contact-Deezer 😊️

06/26/2024 15:24:00
Falta más contenido

By 8cho@567   

Al buscar canciones algunas no aparecen.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/24/2024

Hola 8cho, gracias por el mensaje. Si. agunas canciones no estan disponibles ya sea por que el artista no las a subido a Deezer o no estan disponibles en tu pais por restrigsiones geograficas pero te puedes comunicar con el artista para mayor informacion por redes sociales. 

06/23/2024 10:54:34
It crashes all the time

By Lafa123   

Music stop playing all the time!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/22/2024

Hi,  Lafa. Sorry to hear that. You can click on  Problems With Playing Music (https://shorturl.at/K3u13). If the issue persists please contact us via this link Contact Deezer (https://shorturl.at/bSEVX) and tell us your email associated with your Deezer account.
Could you please give me more information? Please contact us via this link Contact Deezer (https://shorturl.at/bSEVX) and tell us your email associated with your Deezer account so that we can assist you.

06/21/2024 10:38:00

By Оптимизацию хочу   

Я очень люблю это приложение и использую давно ,но после обновлений я начал замечать зависания и лаги (как на айфоне ,так и на PC) очень хочу чтобы оптимизировали как можно быстрее но пока-что две звезды

06/17/2024 02:52:24
Harder to find music, bad artist pay

By $$$$$$$$M1   

Finding music is easier on Spotify and Apple with the great playlists and suggestions. Apple lets you listen on any device you own if it’s only one device listening and if more you can get a good family plan. As far as I recall, Deezer restricts the amount of devices. Apple, Qobuz, and Tidal pay artists more. Deezer tells people how much they pay artists. On the royalties sheets I’ve seen for indie acts and major labels, Deezer just isn’t following what they preach. Some artist pay is crazy low. Spotify doesn’t pretend to be for artists’ rights. Maybe Deezer should quit pretending they support musicians because they do not care about anyone. I expected more from a company with everything in France and conquering a global market. Deezer probably gets used a lot overseas where it comes with people’s cell phone plans. It’s never going to overtake America because other people do it better. Deezer does try to make up for its lack of artist pay by offering some people a discounted Deezer for musicians membership so musicians can listen to people and have their favorite musicians hardly get any royalties. Thanks for not supporting musicians, Deezer.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Hello , thank you for your review. Please  contact our customer support so we can help you further  dzr.fm/contactus (http://dzr.fm/contactus)

06/13/2024 16:29:46

By Ailey12   

I just downloaded right as I did I deleted Spotify it’s just ridiculous and expensive so far I love this app. weird fact: I like the Purple Heart 💜

06/07/2024 02:03:03
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