Polydot is a simple interface for helping you clarify steps and get things done with other people – including people that don’t have the app yet. Polydot can stay minimal in the way you use it: for example, if you are a small business owner you can use it with a single client to help them move through a decision process. Or it can scale. You can even standardize processes and use it within an organization to manage flow on hundreds and even thousands of projects. Polydot lets you give the amount of structure you need to a series of next steps. You just name dots that represent the steps, assign them, and then people click them when done. It notifies others on the team as you wish. If you want to standardize the steps in a recurring process all it takes is a single click. MAKE IT SIMPLE TO GET THINGS DONE WITH OTHER PEOPLE... …and keep track of progress. This is lightweight, fast software that helps you create big results without having to digest - or input - too much information. And it can scale with you as you grow. QUICK ONRAMP It takes a couple of minutes to start using it yourself, then share with teammates/clients/other business partners. It requires no training for them to use. They just see the steps they're involved in and fill in a dot when the step is complete. USE IT WITH ANYONE Share tasks with anyone, whether they have the app or not. This makes it great for things like guiding a potential client through a process of deciding to work with you, or coordinating a project with an outside consultant. REDUCE EMAIL Set up notifications to suit your needs so that no email is required to get things done. LEAVE NOTES – IF YOU WISH The visual interface tells you when work is complete but if you want to leave instructions, comments, or notes, you can leave them in the app. KEEP TEAM UP TO DATE WITHOUT REPORTING Set up the team to see progress visually, so you don’t have to report separately by email. DEFINE YOUR OWN PROCESS Name your own steps, or you can start with a template. There are a range of templates for different types of projects in the app if you’d like to do that. FILL IN DOTS AS WORK IS COMPLETED Dots represent steps in the process. As you fill in dots, collaborators get notified (if you wish). STANDARDIZE PROCESS Easily standardize recurring processes. If you are building a lean operation and want to use the tool to support the execution of standard processes, it’s easy to set that up. CREATE VISIBILITY WITHIN YOUR ORG AND OUTSIDE Set permissions to show others the range of projects you wish. This makes it easy for them to check in on progress without asking you or others for status. NO LIMIT TO SCALE While Polydot is lightweight to use, it is built to scale. You can use it for a small number of projects, or many. There is no theoretical limit. Polydot is based on a workflow application that was developed inside the Henrybuilt Corporation. It is a lightweight version of the software Henrybuilt developed in house beginning in 2015 - to manage the sale, design, production and delivery of hundreds of major residential design and building projects each year – around the world. Based on the success of this software, Henrybuilt incubated Symbolic Frameworks and spun it out as a separate company in 2020.