~ Look, we'll keep this short: Shortify™ summarizes anything, including Youtube, articles, PDFs, blogs, documents, and more. It works in all your favorite apps. ~ Why? Because it saves you a bunch of time, and your time is super valuable. ~ Examples? • 15 min Youtube videos from friends ("you gotta watch this!") • Clearing out your backlog of 500 tabs ("I’ll read this one day") • Blog posts/thinkpieces that have a bit too much history • Sites/apps that are too cluttered (skips the ads/plugins) • Getting the gist of an article before committing to reading it ~ How? Open your favorite app or site, tap the Share button, and tap Shortify. ~ What else? You can get an even shorter summary. You can share your Shorts. You can see your stats, like time saved. ~ Pricing? You get 100 Shorts for free, then you pay for what you use. With 1000 Shorts at a reading speed of 238 wpm (Brysbaert 2019), you’ll get about 72 hours of your life back for the cost of 2 coffees. ~ Privacy? We don't collect any personal data. We don't use third-party trackers, ads, or any of those invasive things. There's no account signup, so there's nothing to delete. ~ I got other questions? [email protected]