VGL is the #1 gay dating app for twinks, twunks, jocks, and pups. Join over 1 million gay men in their 20's and 30's and chat with tons of local guys. VGL is FREE and open to EVERYONE, but has become the favorite social networking app for gay millennials tired of regular dating app restrictions found elsewhere. Features Browse and message as many guys as you want for FREE. Other apps limit you. Not VGL. Post and view UNLIMITED public and private photos. Aren't you tired of always asking for more pics? Grab the attention of the entire VGL community by PROMOTING your best pictures. Stand out in ways you can't anywhere else. FOLLOW guys you like and get a better sense of them before you meet. Grow your own following and make yourself STAND OUT. See SIZZLING updates from hand-picked guys in your feed every hour. Let VGL pull the diamonds out for you. MEET the MOST ELIGIBLE guys on our Hottest profiles page. The VGL community highlights top dudes daily you'll want to meet. View only VERIFIED guys all personally reviewed by human moderators on the VGL Team. Catfishes be gone! CUSTOMIZE your profile with a unique username. Make it easier than ever for guys to find you and never lose track of your favorites. SEARCH users by #hashtags: Target your search for guys who share all of your interests. FIND Snapchat, Instagram, Kik, Facebook and Twitter usernames for guys next door and across the planet. CREATE a profile that shows off your best angles. Watch the guys pour in as you present your most eligible self. No Ads EVER. Period. Additional Information: Having trouble finding the special guy you're looking for? VGL's advanced filtering allows you to quickly find the perfect guy for you. VGL is not another Grindr or Scruff style app! Need some eye candy? Have a look at our Hottest tab, a ranked list of the "hottest" guys on the app, ranked by VGL's users. NOTE: You must be 18 years of age or older to use VGL. Nudity or sexually suggestive pictures and profiles are strictly prohibited. About VGL VIP: Optionally enhance your VGL experience with the purchase of VGL VIP. VIP membership is valid for your selected purchase period -- 30 day ($9.99), 90 day ($24.99), 180 day ($39.99), and 365 day ($59.99). Subscription renews automatically at the end of the subscription period. Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account within 24 hours of purchase. You may change your subscription settings, including canceling the subscription by visiting the Account Settings tab in the App Store app on your device. Refunds are not given for active subscriptions. Please see VGL's privacy policy at and our Terms of Service at