Ever since the first time some clever person tied a pencil to the end of a string and drew a circle, we've loved to use mechanical tools to draw geometric designs. Spin Draw is inspired by a mechanical drawing toy called the HOOT-NANNY from the 1920s. Two rods are attached to spinning wheels. The rods meet at a point that holds a pen, and the pen draws on a spinning piece of paper. Spin Draw lets you explore a vast space of exciting, elegant designs, far beyond the capabilities of the HOOT-NANNY. Adjust the wheels and rods and watch the drawing evolve before your eyes. Create designs to share with friends, explore them as mathematical forms, or just sit back and watch the curve slowly emerge on your screen. Spin Draw also offers a full range of sharing tools. Save your drawings as pixels or paths, or show them to friends on social media. This app will never show you an ad, ask you to write a review, or require you to unlock features via in-app purchases.