This is Mutual following support tool for Twitter!! You can find someone whom you are following isn't following you, And you can find someone whom you aren't following is following you. Also you can follow or unfollow them just swiping cell. You can register 5 Twitter accounts to this app. KATAOMOI means, You love someone, but he or she dose not love you in Japanese. With Twitter, You are following someone, but he or she is not following you. In KATAOMOI view, Deleting cell works as unfollow him or her. KATAOMOWARE means, You do not love someone, but he or she loves you in Japanese. With Twitter, You are not following someone, but he or she is following you. In KATAOMOWARE view, Deleting cell works as follow him or her. You can also cancel your unrequited love status by pressing and holding the icon on the detail screen that appears from the KATAOMOWARE tab. You will be unfollowed by the other person. // This App's Twitter Account @flyingbird69 // This App uses library that licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 : // That library is twitter-text // This App uses GoogleAnalytics