Cupizo is the perfect dating app and probably the last dating app you want to install. If you are based in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, never be alone install Cupizo and find the coolest people around you. Cupizo is not just an ordinary dating app. It allows you to create an excellent profile with every little detail about yourself like what you like, what are your hobbies and what makes you feel happy. Depending on your personal interests, Cupizo can find a perfect partner who is close to you. Are you alone? Don’t be alone drahý příteli download Cupizo today and never be alone…. Invite Accept and Chat NOW!! Cupizo Features Location-based User listing – Cupizo will receive your exact location, and the app will find the best partners nearby. So, you don’t need to travel across the country to find your dream dating partner HaHa!! Advance Matchmaking – Cupizo knows you very well. Cupizo knows what you like, what makes you feel better and what kind of person can make you feel better. So, just input some data and Cupizo will find the perfect partner to date. Chatting – Well, Well, how can you know a person just by seen a profile? Don’t worry Cupizo allows users to send invites and chat in the app. Before you meet, let’s chat… Create a profile – Show yourself, buddy. Tell the others what you like and what kind of partner you like. So, the other users can find you as well. Create stories – Share stories with your favourite people and let others know what you are up to. Well, some girl or boy will love your passion. Add a profile picture – Don’t forget to add a profile picture. Profiles with photos get ten times more attention. What can you add to your profile? Creating a profile with real information always works. What is the perfect relationship? Well, I guess it is understanding each other in a better way. People with the same interests always live happily together ever and after… Add your height, Hobbies, what makes you laugh and even details like do you have kids? And even if you don’t like kids, you can mention that in the profile. Add a quote to express yourself and do many more things with your profile to show your partner what you really really and really love doing. Cupizo is sooooooo perfect dating app. It allows you even to add what places you prefer the most for dating. Café, Bar Hotel Joy park ou name it and cupizo help you to find a partner with the same interest. Discover with preference Wait... Wait... You don’t need to seek random strangers to find a perfect match. Just input what kind of person you want to date and let the Cupizo take care of the rest. Cupizo can search and find best dating partners with the same interests as you. What you have to do? Download Cupizo NOW!!! Create your profile Say cupizo what kind of partner you are seeking for. Out of thousands of results find YOUR partner. Just swipe swipe and find the PERFECT partner for you!! Never Be alone…. Download Cupizo NOW!!! Become Premium Serious about dating honestly and you want to send messages? Then activate Cupizo Premium. You'll be able to access plenty of new, exciting features that will help you get the most out of our app: - See who liked your profile. meet new people and find friends! - Get your messages read first. - you want to meet the person of your dreams? You can send message directly with Premium! - And much more... The price varies by country and may change without notice, but you can always see the exact price in the app. We will charge your card and your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you deactivate the automatic recharge a minimum of 24 hours before the end of your current subscription period. Cupizo Premium is flexible and adapts to your needs - you can cancel your subscription at any time. For more information, read our : Terms & Condition: Privacy Policy: