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FREENOW - Mobility Super App
Fast, easy, secure taxi app
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Pathetic Taxi Service in Athens through FreeNow

By Un-Happy123   

Drivers keep cancelling requests after waiting and waiting for drivers.
Only MAYBE 2 out of 5 request are actually successful. Drivers have the right to just cancel service as they see fit. If you need to be somewhere on time make sure you try well in advance. On top of everything everything single car is in terrible condiftion.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/17/2024

Hi Un-Happy123, we're sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up on this?

07/15/2024 12:00:28
Driver Intentionally Overcharged and Dropped Us Off Short of Where We Wanted

By Jcampbell0   

He refused to run his meter then tried to charge us near double the fare while dropping us off a few blocks short of the destination. To those reading this, ensure your taxi is running their meter before you get in.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hi there, can you please report this to us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up with this driver?

07/13/2024 23:49:24
Hidden charges

By Rip Off Beware   

This app is shady! I called a taxi and without notifying me it charged me a 15 pound fee for a high demand time. I ended up paying 50 pounds for a ride that should have been less than half as much to be honest. The worst part is I reached out twice and never heard back from anyone. I plan on deleting this app and if I need to call a taxi, I will use Uber, in my opinion at least is upfront about their extra charges.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hi there - any extra fees should always be accounted for in the estimate you see when booking. If this is not the case, please get in touch at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so that we can review your charge.

07/09/2024 21:16:54
Very versatile


I have used FREENOW from Dublin to Warsaw and it is always trustworthy and reliable. Very reasonable prices overall too. Never leave home (USA) without it 😉

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hi, OFFENSIVE, we really appreciate you taking the time to write to us. User feedback like this plays a huge part in our continuous efforts to enhance FREENOW's functionality and service.

07/09/2024 09:56:53
AWFUL Experience

By MethFace   

I was excited to use it for the first time this morning during my trip to Dublin. I scheduled a pickup to get my business partner and I from our hotel at 9:10am.
At the scheduled pickup time, I was notified that our pickup was canceled because there weren’t any available drivers. This is as I’m standing in the rain with my luggage looking at a line of cars with the FREENOW logo on them…
I tried to select the option to book a ride immediately since the app canceled my scheduled ride. I waited for 30 minutes as the app kept claiming there were no available drivers. Meanwhile, FREENOW cars continued to pickup other hotel guests right in front of me; people that hadn’t been waiting as long as I had.
When we finally did get a driver, he was coming from very far away and then stopped in the middle of a busy street and called to ask us to jay walk across said busy street. I told him I would prefer to load our bags in the loading zone. It was not safe to cross and I wasn’t comfortable with that.
I’m finally in the cab, 40 minutes after our scheduled time, now late to my meeting. And to top off the experience: we’re riding in a car that smells so awful, I keep having to take breaks to type this because I’m trying not to throw up in this man’s stinky vehicle.
Awful first experience and it makes me want to do anything to avoid using FREENOW ever again.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/10/2024

Hi MethFace, we're sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up on this?

07/09/2024 04:54:29
App is wonderful.

By Guitars6   

When I need a taxi I usually have no trouble and I get to where I am going quickly.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/10/2024

Hi, Guitars6, we really appreciate you taking the time to write to us. User feedback like this plays a huge part in our continuous efforts to enhance FREENOW's functionality and service.

07/08/2024 06:58:05
Horrible App, Service, and Drivers

By Stevenapk   

Price is double what’s advertised and driver will drive away when you approach the vehicle. Must be racist. Also, pickup times are no joke, 3 times longer than listed at minimum. Customer service must not be important in Rome.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

we're sorry for the negative experience you had. Please, reach our Help Centre: https://support.free-now.com/hc/it/requests/new
We'll be glad to assist you.
Thank you, Your FREENOW Team

07/07/2024 10:15:59
Never works, just searches for drivers.

By Fjjdx   

App never works and actually connects you to a driver. All I have is a bunch of hold fees on my card and have yet to complete a successful ride with this app. It never lets me drop the pin where I am always sends me 3-5 walk away and then I get there and it searches for a driver for 10+ minutes. I end up canceling the trip every time because of this and flag down a taxi that triple charges me in cash for the ride and the taxi will say free now on the side and they would just rather ignore the app and use it as there last source when there are no other rides. Waste of time using this.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024

Hi Fjjdx, we're sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up on this?

07/03/2024 15:33:15
No availability in Barcelona

By Ceyreviews   

Freenow used to be fantastic in Barcelona. Now, wait 20-30 mins & it gets cancelled. Terrible availability. Grabbing a cab on the street is much easier. Unfortunate to see a once great app go so bad.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hi Ceyreviews, we're sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up on this?

07/02/2024 06:24:57
Money stealing scheme

By Instaerin   

The drivers start the meter when they accept your ride and both times, the drivers took a longer route than the app recommended it to take to us which meant we were paying even longer. Each ride was already above 7euros when we got into the car. Additionally the app takes 2.50 euros as an “intermediary charge.” Absolute rip off. Save yourself money and walk to a taxi station.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hi Instaerin, we're sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us at https://support.free-now.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new or send feedback through the app with more information so we can follow up on this?

06/30/2024 03:58:09
No data yet.No data yet.
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