ImageDrain is an Action Extension that provides an image download function for Safari. You can select and download images which you see on Safari. - SIMPLE * You can get images with an easy operation. - SEAMLESS * You can directly download images from Safari without launching other application. - USABILITY * You can switch between grid view and fullscreen view. - ACCURACY * You can save not only displayed images but also background and link images. - FILTER * You can select display images. - QUICK ACTION - You can quickly open a last URL from the quick actions menu. # HOW TO USE 1. When you find images you want in Safari, tap the share button. 2. Tap ImageDrain icon to launch it. * If you do not find ImageDrain icon, tap "Edit Actions..." on the share sheet and enable ImageDrain. 3. ImageDrain lists images that displayed in Safari. Select images you want. 4. Tap the save button. 5. Selected images are downloaded to Camera Roll.