If you are looking to play the video files from your iOS device continuously by making a playlist then this app is for you. A very intuitive and easy to use video player and playlist maker application. Features: • Play videos from your iTunes library namely music videos, movies, TV shows, podcasts, iTunes U and home videos. (Note: DRM protected videos will not play. Generally, Movies and TV Shows downloaded from iTunes store have DRM protection) • Mix files from different video categories into a single playlist • Shuffle mode • Playlist creation and quick play • Import iPod library's video playlist, loop videos and add bookmarks by making corresponding In-App purchase • Resume playing of a playlist from the last stopped position • Listen to video's audio when the screen is locked • Control the playlist from the lock screen • Control the playlist from a compatible earphone's remote or connected bluetooth device's remote controls • Supports AirPlay with Apple TV and AV Adapter cable (TV Out/HDMI) • Gesture controls for pause, play, next, previous, etc • Jump back or forward by a fixed amount of time • Stretch video to fill screen • Change video playback speed for faster or slower viewing • Browse contents of a saved playlist in a separate tab/section Features with In-App purchase of "Unrestricted Playlist and Looping": • Removes restriction on number of videos that can be selected • Import video selections from a playlist in iPod library • Continuous loop mode Features with In-App purchase of "Activate Bookmarks": • Ability to add multiple bookmarks to a video How can the app be used? • Having a party with friends, play selected music videos in a loop. No need to select videos manually after the end of each video • Play pre-selected videos for your karaoke sessions • Having a marathon viewing of movies or TV shows. Just select the videos in one go and enjoy • Watch your educational videos continuously and bookmark parts of video for revisiting in future • If you need a video presentation for your business to be played continuously in different situations You can download this app for free, which allows 3 videos per playlist without looping. This is so that you can try before you buy. If you like the app then you can make an In-App purchase to remove the restrictions. Note: - The app plays the videos from your device’s iTunes library and does not add, update or delete the videos available in the library. App does not come bundled with any video files. - DRM protected videos like Movies/TV Shows downloaded from iTunes store will not be displayed in the app. You can add videos manually into iTunes library and make them appear under “Movies” or “TV Shows” tab by modifying its “Media Kind” value to corresponding value in iTunes. - Music videos downloaded via Apple Music subscription will not be displayed/played within the app due to restrictions. Purchased music videos generally do not have DRM protection/restriction. Player Gestures: 1 Finger: Swipe Left: Next video Swipe Right: Previous video Swipe Up: List videos in current playlist Single Tap: Toggle full screen mode 2 Fingers: Single Tap: Toggle Play/Pause Swipe Left: Jump forward within the video Swipe Right: Jump backward within the video Swipe Up: Increase playback speed Swipe Down: Decrease playback speed For any issues/concerns please write to [email protected]