Protect your most important e-documents in iPhone, it could be found immediately once needed. This is Show ID, the app in which you would be able to save your important documents. You will be able to show your ID immediately either in traveling or everyday life, as long as you have saved your 3 most important e-documents in ShowID. - Security - The program could be entered either by Touch ID or digital passcode. Even when you switch to home screen, the app would be locked to protect your documents from being seen. - Swiftness - Once you open the app and unlock with Touch ID, you would be able to show your document immediately. It would solve the problem that bother you for such a long time, such as the photo of document need to be downloaded from iCloud, or hard to be found in those massive photos. - Smart - You wouldn't be busy rotating the photo with your iPhone, Show ID will do it for you. It could rotate the photo automatically to fit your iPhone screen, you would be able to save your documents photos in camera roll swiftly. - Beauty - The translucent interface and dynamic menu in Show ID are so adorable. It's easy, swift, and beautiful.