The Nautical Calculators can be used to solve many of the equations and conversions typically associated with marine navigation This app contains many useful functions for sailors on water, you can use this app as calculator and convertor tool for all your marine needs. Calculators included: Celestial Navigation Calculators Compass Error from Amplitudes Observed on the Visible Horizon Altitude Correction for Air Temperature Table of Offsets Latitude and Longitude Factors Altitude Correction for Atmospheric Pressure Altitude Factors & Change of Altitude Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation (Pub. No. 229). Compass Error from Amplitudes Observed on the Celestial Horizon Meridian Angle and Altitude of a Body on the Prime Vertical Circle Conversions Calculators Chart Scales and Conversion for Nautical and Statute Miles Conversion for Meters, Feet and Fathoms Distance Calculators Length of a Degree of Latitude and Longitude Speed for Measured Mile and Speed, Time, and Distance Distance of an Object by Two Bearings Distance of the Horizon Distance by Vertical Angle Measured Between Sea Horizon and Top of Object Beyond Sea Horizon Traverse Table Geographic Range Distance by Vertical Angle Measured Between Waterline at Object and Top of Object Dip of Sea Short of the Horizon Distance by Vertical Angle Measured Between Waterline at Object and Sea Horizon Beyond Object Meridional Parts Log and Trig Calculators Logarithmic and Trigonometric Functions Sailings Calculators Great Circle Sailing Mercator Sailing Time Zones Calculators Time Zones, Zone Descriptions, and Suffixes Weather Data Calculators Direction and Speed of True Wind Correction of Barometer Reading for Height Above Sea Level Correction of Barometer Reading for Gravity Temperature Conversions Relative Humidity and Dew Point Correction of Barometer Reading for Temperature Barometer Measurement Conversions All feature updates are free Fully functional on iPad,iPhone and iPod No ads We are always eager to hear what you think. If you want to send us your comments or suggestions about our products, we really will listen to what you have to say. We want to make sure our products have the kinds of features and functionality that will be useful to you and allow us to give you the best value that we possibly can. Based on your feedback, you can help us decide what are the most important things to work on with the next version. Help us to help you, and you could see your suggestions included in the next release!