Get world-class workouts, session plans, and on-going coaching development for your gym from NCFIT. With the NCFIT Coach App your coaches and athletes will experience a new level of training excellence. The NCFIT Coach App acts as the hub for all things Programming, Session Plans, & Instructional Videos. Every Sunday, the NCFIT Coach App displays a roadmap for the upcoming week with four amazing programs. High-quality daily instructional videos for both coaches and athletes accompany each workout along with detailed class planning notes. No one in the fitness industry does it better than NCFIT. Interested in reviewing the previous week of workouts or following a week behind? We’ve got you covered. Coaches easily access a 7-day backwards look to brush-up on last week’s workouts or follow on a 1-week lag. Expect your athletes to love the workouts and your coaches to be better prepared than ever before! Program Better. Prepare Better. Coach Better. Build Better – only with NCFIT. PROGRAMS As a member of the NCFIT Collective, you have access to FOUR effective daily programs and amazing features. Read up on everything we have to offer below! NCMETCON – is 1st in class for functional fitness. This is interval training at its finest – refined to be the absolute best and most practical functional programming out there. In NCMETCON, you will use everything from heavy barbells to kettlebells and dumbbells to just your body...and everything in between! Want to mix it up everyday? Want to test your limits? Want to be fit for life? This is the program for you. Train Everything. Prepared for Anything...with NCMETCON. NCX – is our spin on daily Strength & Conditioning. Each day, you will tackle a foundational strength piece followed by a conditioning workout that complements and builds off the strength. NCX focuses on foundational strength development giving you plenty of exposure to the barbell while also getting in a heart-pumping workout. Looking to step your game up? This is the X-Factor. Build Stronger. Build Better...with NCX. NCGO - is an exclusive Dumbbell Only program. NCGO is specifically designed to be performed with limited equipment and limited space. Don’t have a lot of gear? Don’t worry...all you need is a set of dumbbells. Following a unique week-long template, NCGO mixes Full Body, Push x Pull, and Sprint x Sweat formats to deliver an amazing week of workouts every single week. All Dumbbells, All Results...with NCGO. NCCOMPETE - is a competitive fitness program designed by top tier members of the NCFIT Programming team. The goal of NCCOMPETE is to create an effective and fun training blueprint that will help these athletes improve their overall performance in competition. NCCOMPETE pairs seamlessly with our NCMETCON program making it insanely easy to train for the sport of fitness FEATURES DAILY PROGRAMMING - choose from 4 amazing programs 365 days a year, 7 days a week. Every workout is tailored, tested, and true. Never worry about programming ever again. DETAILED SESSION PLANS - for NCMETCON & NCX. Coaches will benefit from detailed session plans that include highlights, intro, stimulus, timeline, warm-up, teaching, and suggested adjustments. Never be unprepared ever again. INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS - if a picture is worth 1000 words, what’s a high-quality video worth? For NCMETCON & NCX, you have access to daily coach and athlete videos that you can share with your team and community. NCGO also comes with a daily athlete video for your members to enjoy. Every day you have expert guidance right at your fingertips. ONE-STOP COACHING DEVELOPMENT - combine the session plans with the videos and you just solved the coaching development riddle. No more guesswork...this is the way to get better. Study the plans, watch the videos, and take advantage of all the additional tools and resources the NCFIT Collective has to offer. Looking to join the NCFIT Collective? Email [email protected].