App全景上海所展示的是上海的全景视频,这是迄今为止第一个,也是唯一一个可以在移动终端上观看的360°全景互动视频。 观看时就如同您亲自来上海游览——所有的地标性建筑以及近年来发生在上海的重大事件——想看哪里就看哪里! This app can show you the panoramic scene of Shanghai. It’s the first and also the only surround video of Shanghai which can be watched on mobile terminals. When you watch this app, you’ll feel as you were acutely in Shanghai yourself. The app can take you to visit all the landmarks of Shanghai and tell you hallmark events that happened in Shanghai those years. Everyone who has never been to Shanghai and those Shanghainese who are away from Shanghai will like to see our video as frequently as they can.