Just Quick Search HD is helper app to search very quickly for iPad. # Search Targets - Google - Wikipedia - In addition to the above, you can add search targets. # You can input quickly - You don't need to scroll. - You don't need to tap the text field. - When application resumed, text field is empty and you can input immediately. # History - Keywords you enter are recorded. - Max 300 items. - Can delete all. - Can delete selectively. # Autocomplete - Input candidates will be displayed in a two-stage. - Top: from History. - Bottom: from Web. # Search Targets Select Screen - Tap the right side of the search screen to display it. ## Save Switch - ON: When application launch or resume, the search target is you selected last. - OFF: When application launch or resume, the search target is the top. ## Internal Browser - Show search results in built-in browser. - The internal browser URL scheme is "jqs". # Settings - The view shows when you tap the "STAR" button at the bottom of the right screen. ## Internal Browser - You can make settings related to the internal browser. ## Custom Search - You can customize the search targets. - The number of search targets you can add is unlimited. - For more information, please visit the support page. ## Sort - You can sort search targets. ## Wallpaper - You can set the wallpaper. ### Optimal image size - 12.9-inch display: 2732 x 2732 pixels. - 11-inch display: 2388 x 2388 pixels. - 10.9-inch display: 2360 x 2360 pixels. - 10.5-inch display: 2224 x 2224 pixels. - 10.2-inch display: 2160 x 2160 pixels. - 8.3-inch display: 2266 x 2266 pixels. - Others: 2048 x 2048 pixels. ## Status Bar - You can select the status bar color, default or light or dark. ## Keyboard - You can select the keyboard color, default or dark or light. ## Home - You can specify the URL of Home page. - In the search screen, when the text field is empty and you tap the "Search" button, the home page will be displayed. ## Paste Button - "Paste" button to the search screen will be displayed. - When you tap the "Paste" button on the search screen, the contents of the clipboard will be pasted into the text field. ## Backward Button - "B" button to the search screen will be displayed. - When you tap or press the "B" button on the search screen, text cursor moves backward. ## Forward Button - "F" button to the search screen will be displayed. - When you tap or press the "F" button on the search screen, text cursor moves forward. ## Auto Copy - When execute search, the contents of the text field will be copied to the clipboard. ## Auto Search - When launching from the custom URL scheme or notification center, the search is execute automatically. ## Auto Move - Automatically displays the search target selection screen when the application is launched or restarted. ## Open URL - When you execute a search with the URL is entered, open the URL directly. - For more information, please visit the support page. ## Support - Jump to the support page of this app. ## Privacy Policy - Jump to the privacy policy page of this app. # Custom URL Scheme - Custom URL Scheme is "justquicksearchhd". ## justquicksearchhd:// - Launch this app. ## justquicksearchhd://${keyword} - With the ${keyword} has been entered, this app is launched. NOTE: This feature is for developers.