The official mobile app for UptimeRobot: The world's leading uptime monitoring service. HOW IT WORKS? We check your service in 1 min* intervals and you get notified via push notification about every outage. Simple as that. WHAT YOU CAN MONITOR • WEB: check any website (http/https) • SSL: get notified when SSL certificate is expiring • PORT: monitor any port, e.g SMTP, FTP, DNS or custom • PING: just ping (ICMP) if server is responding • KEYWORD: check if keyword is present or missing on a page • HEARTBEAT: monitor scheduled jobs (i.e. cron)** FEATURES • Overall status screen to check if any of your service is down • Up & down events history • Monitor list with handy search and filter features • Monitor detail with detailed uptime, response time and event history • Creating, editing, pausing and deleting monitors • Push alerts about the up & down events • Color-blind accessibility • Third-party integrations like Slack, PagerDuty and many more (available only in the web app) Register now and get 50 monitors forever FREE! No credit card needed. * One minute intervals are available in PRO plan only. With FREE plan you get 5 minute intervals. ** Creating the heartbeat monitor is available in the web app with PRO plan only. Terms of Service: Privacy Policy: