In 2020 All World Peace Conference going to happens in the City of gangsters. All major terrorist groups are united and wants to sabotage this event to bring instability in the world. Intelligence report tell us that they have collaborate with city Mafia Don and their plans are very clear to do “target killing” of some high value targets and planing to do some big explosions in public places. One thing which make security agencies more worried about is they have world deadliest weapon called Suicide Bombers, Yes you heard right these suicide attacker are very difficult to detect and eliminate. The best way is to eliminate them before they reach to public place and explode. As a secret agent your missions is to get these “bad boys” before they reach their targets. As a first person shooter you have all required items at first place but you can also upgrade your inventory later. You have short range guns and long range guns. The best you could have is the Breath control supplement which helps to aim better. You objectives are simple and clear “shoot 2 kill”.