An apocalyptic, mystery-solving, and adventure RPG that explores a devastated world after the destruction of mankind. It has multiple endings, and there are three types: A end, B end, and C end. [story] 276 years after the extinction of mankind, Niluas, an android who suddenly activated, lost memory for some reason. Together with the built-in support AI Knive, explore the lost memories, the mystery that I started, and the mystery of human extinction. What is the truth that find while fighting a mysterious person who suddenly appears and an android attacking? [voice actor] Character voice is handled by V voice actor belonging to "voice-ore" Rena Shiratori and Saki Asagi are gorgeous V voice actors. * Part voice is used instead of full voice [character] * CODE-NVRA87390XS (Code: Niluas)(@voice actor: Rena Shiratori) An android suddenly activated 276 years after the extinction of mankind. It has lost its memory, it is unknown why it started, and it is attacked by other androids immediately after startup. Together with the support AI Knive, explore a devastated world while chasing own mystery and the mystery of humanity's destruction. * CODE-9VBS100876E (Code: Naive) Support AI built into Niluas Supports various judgments and thoughts (character from the player's point of view) * CODE-MVRB10390SS (Code: Mvira) Latest attack android very aggressive Features a special attack for annihilation * ? ? ? (Unknown)(@voice actor: Saki Asagi) A mysterious person who contacted Niluas. Unknown and shrouded in mystery [how to play] It is a SF mystery solving RPG. The game player's point of view becomes Naive. It's a game that combines an orthodox command-type RPG and a puzzle-solving ADV. It is a simple game without adopting a complicated system. [system] * Commands Use each command to solve mysteries and tricks * Battle When moving from place to place, you may encounter enemies. A battle will start, but it is possible to escape. If you are lower than the enemy's level, you will receive a preemptive attack. Fight using normal attacks and skills * Skills Skills available in combat are Gravity Artillery and Repair These are powerful, but require a skill disk to activate. * Level You can level up by winning battles against enemies. There is no experience value, and the level increases according to the number of defeats And the benefit of leveling up is an increase in HP and whether or not a preemptive attack is possible. If you are higher than the enemy's level, you will be able to attack first. Conversely, if it is low, you will receive a preemptive attack from the enemy. * Equipment Equipment is about attack and defense There is no need to change equipment, etc., and if you find a modified chip, it will be automatically installed. In order to increase attack power and defense power, there is no choice but to pick it up somewhere * What's Android An android is a machine lifeform with an ego. It is also characterized by its bipedal locomotion and mimicking humans. [Planning and development] * Team Moko App. [music] * 魔王魂