Massive music for free listening! Nice, popular, massive, personalized mobile ringtones, separating short videos, music. Record your exclusive voice, one-click cover of popular songs! With just one inspiration, quickly create original music! Quickly make ringtones, upload original music easily, one-click set ringtone! Share ringtones with friends! Heard a popular song in short videos and want to listen to it? With a single click in FastTune, separate audio and video, edit audio, listen to the hot songs you want, and set the ringtone you want! Can't sing well but want to sing a stunning song in your circle of friends? Record your exclusive voice, one-click cover of Douyin and Kuaishou hits! Don't understand music but want to write an original song? Provide your ideas, quickly realize music composition and lyrics, and sing original music with your exclusive voice! Meet various application scenarios such as confession, self-media creation, and film and video editing music at any time. Find audio and video separation troublesome? Copy the link, upload locally, open FastTune, automatically separate audio and video, save hot songs and videos separately! Mobile ringtones, SMS ringtones, alarm clock ringtones, complete collection of mobile ringtones, everything you need. Fine ringtone classification, classic old songs, original, cover, film and television, animation, DJ for country-style dancing, European, American, Japanese, and Korean songs, electronic music, square dance hits, popular hits, ancient style, film and television hits, animation games, SMS alarm tones, DJ dance music, funny alternative, internet hits, Douyin hits, Kuaishou hits, user uploads, etc.; Music, emotions, quotes, monologues, Mc, electronic music, DJ, mashup dance music, hot Douyin and Kuaishou short video original sound ringtones, meet all your ringtone needs! Network gold song rankings, Douyin hot rankings, animation game rankings, film and television gold song rankings, we have all the ringtones you want! Want to share your work with friends? No problem, ringtones, SMS, alarm tones, funny jokes, any of your local ringtones, any platform ringtones, as long as you are willing, all share with one click! Want your original music to be recognized by netizens? Then come to FastTune! Record your wonderful singing voice, upload it to the platform with one click, permanently save your wonderful voice, and have the opportunity to be recommended! The heartthrob is talking about you!!! End User License Agreement (EULA): [link to EULA] Technical support website: [link to technical support] Privacy policy website: [link to privacy policy]