Is your body not getting enough water? Do you forget to drink water on time? Do you not know how much water you drink during the day? Do you lack the motivation to drink more water? This is easy to fix with Water Up! Get a convenient overview of your fluid intake and maintain balance. You can also get additional motivation with timely reminders to drink water that don't disturb you while you sleep. Water Up's Features: — Quickly and conveniently add water and other beverages — Only pure water is counted based on beverages' hydration levels — Add a beverage with one simple gesture — Tap the screen to see your stats — Set a daily goal based on your needs — If you forget to add a beverage, you can easily add one for any day — Enjoy flexible reminder settings — Edit added beverages — Sync with Apple Health — Add a widget with your daily intake status Install Water Up now, and you'll start feeling much better! Terms of Use: