WEMAPP social An increasingly interconnected world, thanks to technology and engineering. WEMAPP SOCIAL Social is a network based on the geolocation of users available via web and mobile applications.   The first CITIZEN SOCIAL! WEMAPP SOCIAL offers all citizens places as a source of discussion or information. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, AUGMENTED REALITY, geo-information, all in one hand. WEMAPP SOCIAL allows to know new places, commercial activities, scheduled events, and receive public information. Participates in public chat open around you, find your chat automations to book the pizza, the restaurant, answering a questionnaire, participate in a game and much more. SOCIAL BUS of the future public transport !. A SPACE FULLY OPEN using CHAT AS A FORM COMMUNICATIVE IMMEDIATE AND DIRECT to get information about public transportation in real time. Information on accidents or other traffic related block causes can be sent to the company to TPL photos directly from citizens and in real time via push notifications, so safe, simple and immediate. The service will be free for the public and for local transport companies that will join SOCIAL PA WEMAPP SOCIAL want to bet on new media for the PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. The possibility of a simple and effective dialogue space. short and targeted information. Use the chat as an immediate form of communication and Live so that the citizen can feel always listened to and involved. Everyone will participate in public chat created by the public. THE INFORMATION COMING UNDER THE PUSH NOTIFICATION FORM, SO SAFE, SIMPLE AND IMMEDIATE. A service for ever free for citizens ATHENA (Geo-Artificial Intelligence) Be guided by ATENA in the life of every day, in your travels, in decisions daily. JUST WRITE, SHE SAYS FOREVER! Athena is programmable by all simply chatting. Without lifting the handset or utter a single word, write a line of an e-mail or fill out a form on a website. ENOUGH JUST TYPE, WITH A LANGUAGE CONVERSATIONAL, as if we were TALKING WITH A FRIEND. Just write back is not a human being, but ATHENA. Put it to the test !!! WEMAPP for Companies WEMAPP SOCIAL automates supply and demand! allowing you to respond by text to all users without having to be present strength in being able to chat and keep working. ATHENA MAY CONTACT YOUR COMPANY IF, AT THE REQUEST OF THE CUSTOMER, CONSIDERS THAT YOU COULD PROMOTE HIS NEEDS. Becomes part of the corporate social network of Geo Social City Claiming your business. Change your way of marketing with direct marketing.