
BBC: World News & Stories
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the Reviews Displayed Directly on the App Details Page of the App Store. Other Reviews Need to Click "View All" in the App Store to View.
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Don’t update! Too much video content

By O'maas   

Can’t “read” the news in bed anymore with a partner sleeping next to you.

06/04/2024 11:11:27
Need IOS update badly

By Steve from West Chester   

I used to read the BBC news in the evening when my iPad was in Dark Mod. The updated app does not seem to know what this means, so I assume it is designed for non OOS users, fortunately, there are many other news apps to choose from. Hopefully this gets updated some day.

06/03/2024 22:29:00

By Luigi Bocherinni   

Loved My News the ease of very
intuituive use & All Else !!!
Almost went into journalism &
BBC was my reason.
Am appalled @updates of recent.
Please get rid of CBS / Safari or
whatever ~ adds all over ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Totally horrible.
I miss such terrific archeology
coverage journal articles etc etc.
Many I would keep for reference.
It was worthy of required download
for various college classes~~~
Now ~ nope.

06/03/2024 13:34:02

By TaraAnnTram   

Every time I click on a video link the app collapses. Terrible design. Bring the old version back!!

06/03/2024 11:38:57
Terrible Update

By nerdsqrt16life   

Latest update ruins the app. The new format makes it harder to read and only shows the very top stories on main page. I used to at least browse headlines from all major regions/categories and click through a few articles a couple of times a day but now I don’t even open the app every day because the experience is so much worse. The developers really need to put the major categories back on the main screen or at least enable sideways swiping though categories instead of forcing a bunch of clicks to browse. Everything just loads and looks like a webpage instead of an app… if that’s what I wanted I’d go to the webpage. I hope the changes are reverted or I’ll have to find a new news source with a better app.

06/02/2024 22:35:32
Missing Basic Functions

By HowGee   

Some missing basic functionality makes this app difficult to use. Two examples: first, the video player doesn’t switch to landscape mode when phone is rotated, making it very difficult to see the tiny content since most of it is filmed in landscape mode.
Also, there is no Back functionality when swiping right from the edge of the screen. This was there in the last version but somehow got lost in the last major update. Please bring these back.

06/02/2024 08:35:11
Used it religiously till the new update/revamp

By GodofDeathandWar   

I loved this app it was simple, elegant and worked flawlessly. Then some corporate douchbag decided to ruin it. My favorite feature was that once a article was loaded you could access it even when you lost internet access which I though was very neat. Then they started adding ads which in some cases were 10x as long as the video you were trying to watch!!!! Absolutely bonkers. Then nothing worked without an active and fast internet access which shortly predated a wholly new app which is confusing, over engineered and unnecessary to the extreme. I rarely write reviews but I an passionate about this one

06/01/2024 16:57:06
Every update it gets worse

By JungleNut   

The last few major updates have turned the once great app into just another news app. It is really sad that BBC has just followed the US news stations giving only what they want you to read. Also now to find and read new stories it takes so much more scrolling and searching. The name should be BBC SCROLLER APP.
What provoked me to write this review is that when I try to watch a video the app just crashes, every time. It started with just a few videos but since the update two days ago none of the videos work and they all crash the app.

06/01/2024 13:44:23

By binhga12    (This Review has been Deleted)


06/01/2024 11:00:11
If it’s not broke don’t fix it

By Mad Buick   

The new format is not as informative, I can’t get news about Dorset, Somerset,Surrey,
The professional cycling news is very poor.
And the grammar is also very poor.

06/01/2024 10:36:48
No DataNo Data
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