MotorPlatform is the complete tool to empower the automotive industry: an easy-to-use interface with greater functionality. It allows you to value cars with confidence, and to make smarter, data-driven decisions when it comes to buying and selling vehicles. MotorPlatform is boosting car trading by increasing stock turn, reducing errors, improving profitability, and minimizing incorrect descriptions. Features: - individual log-ins for each team member - 30 seconds vehicle inspections - the most accurate valuation, provided by MotorPlatform in less than 15 minutes - direct connection to your dealership pool - a comprehensive list of all your valuations sorted by status and progress - a complete list of all your negotiations and their outcomes Benefits: - Simple: easy to pick up, understand, and integrate into your dealerships’ workflow - Efficient: move through and between processes with ease and speed - Accurate: valuations provided by MotorPlatform are based on constantly updated data and decades of experience and knowledge of the industry - Versatile: covers all processes involved in the buying and selling of second-hand vehicles - from inspection to acquisition - Secure: your organisation’s data stays private and secure - no one other than you has access to the data- The ultimate end-result