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Breach Wanderers: Deckbuilder
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version1.0027
    Update Log

    - Fixed a few issues with the Chinese and French localizations
    - Fixed an issue where the end-of-run bonus button sometimes didn't show up
    - Items that increase the effectiveness of Cleanse effects will now work properly
    - Fixed an issue where Gather Equipment could lock up the game

    App Description

    A new Roguelike Deckbuilding experience
    Embark on a thrilling adventure with this fresh take on Roguelike Deckbuilding. Battle against monstrous creatures emerging from the Breach using and evolving strategy based on magical cards, powers, and heroes. Rest at your town, upgrade your gear, get new missions, and strategize wisely to face your fate.
    Forge your fate with every draw
    Experience a unique and strategic deckbuilding system: before each run, customize your starting deck and the pool of cards that will be offered to you during the run. Additionally, every enemy may drop other exclusive card rewards that you can take into account for your strategy. With over 1200 cards to choose from, experiment with different synergies to obliterate your opponents and reach the depths of the Breach.
    Find your hero and define your tactics
    With 10 unique heroes to choose from, each with unique strengths and weaknesses, you can tailor your strategy to suit your playstyle. Freeze your enemies with Raodan to gain control over the battlefield, or hide and strike from the shadows with Mirley to deal devastating damage. With complete control over your characters and cards, victory is within your grasp.
    Upgrade Your Town
    As you venture deeper into the Breach, collect valuable resources to unlock new cards, purchase powerful items, and upgrade your town. Visit the Forge to equip your heroes with devastating upgrades and browse the Market for new exotic wares. Take on different missions to earn rewards and face even greater trials as you progress through the story. With each upgrade, you'll be better equipped for the battles ahead and one step closer to uncovering the secrets of the Aether.
    Evolve your strategy
    Each battle presents new challenges and opportunities. Will you play it safe and focus on defense, or take risks to surprise your enemies? With special status bars like Arcane, Frost, and Shock, and a variety of buffs and debuffs, every decision you make affects the battle. Evolve your build with every draw and become a true strategist.

  • Version1.0001
    Update Log

    The Breach Wanderers Update - 1.0 Release!
    - Maighir is now available as the final Playable Character!
    - Idol of Corruption is now available as the final idol!
    - Depth 4 is now available! Get ready to face the greatest threat to our world yet.
    - The game now has more translations! The available languages are the following: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, Chinese (Simplified).
    - You can now access the game's credits from the main menu.
    - Added 4 new bounties
    - Added 3 new quests
    o The Shrine is now locked behind a quest
    - Added 11 new cardbacks
    o The Release Celebration cardback will be automatically unlocked for everyone who played during Early Access
    - Added 29 generic cards (and made 2 created cards into unlockable cards)
    - Many existing cards were changed
    - Added 4 new market items
    - Market Items changes:
    o Health Tonic: Now +25hp
    o Mana Tonic: Now +5 mana
    o Recovery Tonic: Now +8 Recovery
    o Shield Tonic: Now +5 max shield
    - Added 8 Weapons
    - Added 5 Outfits
    - Added 13 Accessories
    - Added 22 Trinkets
    - Many existing items were changed
    Character Changes:
    - Drofis' level 1 passive changed to: "Create a Blood Burst card whenever you lose life from an enemy attack or card."
    o Blood burst changed to 10 damage for 1 mana (Make me regret it)
    - Changed Mirley's level 4 passive: You deal 5% more damage and apply 5% more status to enemies per debuff on them.
    - Slightly changed the default decks for Mirley, Nayema, Drofis and Caitan
    Effect Changes:
    - Decay changes
    o Decay can now only trigger during your turn
    o Decay no longer triggers when drawing cards (only when creating them)
    o Decay's VFX should be more visible and louder
    - Arcane, Frost and Shock runes are now capped at 10 status
    - Hidden's evasion % will now be reduced for the turn every time you randomly evade an attack (-20% of the current evasion % every evade (50 > 40 > 32 > 26 > 20 > 16, etc))
    o Enemies that relied on Hidden a lot were buffed
    - Marksman is no longer reduced at end of turn
    - Overcharged now only applies Shock when drawing extra cards
    Enemy Changes:
    - Frost scaling for enemies was changed:
    o The frost scaling per Depth was reduced
    o Frost scaling per area tier was added (for example, enemies in the Fetid Coast will be harder to freeze repeatedly than enemies in the Mushroom Forest)
    - Enemy summoned by the player will have slightly less health in A4
    - Dragonfly Rider has found a Lance (He is now 3 width)
    - Adjusted the health of enemies in Valley and Plains. Should mostly affect Valley ennemies.
    - The amount of cards created by enemies no longer scale with idols and Rush Mode
    o Effects of blights created by enemies now scale with idols and Rush Mode
    UI Changes:

    - Changed the Quest Completion screen
    - Changed various tutorials and tooltips to improve clarity
    - Enemies with AOE status attacks should now show a different icon
    - You can now copy your decklist to your clipboard during a run
    Rush Mode:

    - Rush mode now has additional card picks
    - Idol fights now give more idol rewards in Rush Mode
    - Reduced the length of the second area in Depth 3+ runs
    - You can now use the Shrine (once it's been unlocked) in any Depth and for replaying quests
    - You can now start a run without having a full pool
    o Starting a run with a custom deck and an empty pool will use Quickplay rules for card rewards

    - Flood Achievement now requires 20 or more mana cards

    - The delay between some actions have been shortened (aoe effects and ally effects)
    - Arcane detonations will accelerate the more you detonate a target

    Bug fixes:
    - Enemies with Berserk will now trigger their On-Death effects properly whenever they die after Berserk expires
    - Ads will now count properly towards the "Watch Ad" bounty
    - Fixed an issue where loading from cloud didn't properly update bounties

    App Description

    A new Roguelike Deckbuilding experience
    Embark on a thrilling adventure with this fresh take on Roguelike Deckbuilding. Battle against monstrous creatures emerging from the Breach using and evolving strategy based on magical cards, powers, and heroes. Rest at your town, upgrade your gear, get new missions, and strategize wisely to face your fate.
    Forge your fate with every draw
    Experience a unique and strategic deckbuilding system: before each run, customize your starting deck and the pool of cards that will be offered to you during the run. Additionally, every enemy may drop other exclusive card rewards that you can take into account for your strategy. With over 1200 cards to choose from, experiment with different synergies to obliterate your opponents and reach the depths of the Breach.
    Find your hero and define your tactics
    With 10 unique heroes to choose from, each with unique strengths and weaknesses, you can tailor your strategy to suit your playstyle. Freeze your enemies with Raodan to gain control over the battlefield, or hide and strike from the shadows with Mirley to deal devastating damage. With complete control over your characters and cards, victory is within your grasp.
    Upgrade Your Town
    As you venture deeper into the Breach, collect valuable resources to unlock new cards, purchase powerful items, and upgrade your town. Visit the Forge to equip your heroes with devastating upgrades and browse the Market for new exotic wares. Take on different missions to earn rewards and face even greater trials as you progress through the story. With each upgrade, you'll be better equipped for the battles ahead and one step closer to uncovering the secrets of the Aether.
    Evolve your strategy
    Each battle presents new challenges and opportunities. Will you play it safe and focus on defense, or take risks to surprise your enemies? With special status bars like Arcane, Frost, and Shock, and a variety of buffs and debuffs, every decision you make affects the battle. Evolve your build with every draw and become a true strategist.

  • Version1.8016

    Create and Build your Decks

    Update Log

    - Fixed an issue where Crystal Oozes with Berserk could prevent a fight from finishing
    - Fixed an issue where choosing "random" for tier 2 areas would start a run directly into tier 2
    - Fixed an issue where dying with Berserk could lock up the game
    - Fixed an issue where Silan wasn't properly generating tools on shuffle
    - Fixed the bounty "Deal Damage with Leech"
    - The Idol of the Hunt card that summons a Voidstalker will now function as written
    - Hollow was renamed to Nullify
    - Slightly tuned health and effect values of enemies in Rush

    App Description

    Uusi Roguelike-pakanrakentelukokemus
    Lähde jännittävään seikkailuun tämän uudenlaisen Roguelike-pakanrakentelupelin kanssa. Taistele Breach-repeämästä nousevia hirviömäisiä olentoja vastaan käyttämällä maagisiin kortteihin, voimiin ja sankareihin perustuvaa ja kehittyvää strategiaa. Lepää kaupungissasi, päivitä varusteitasi, vastaanota uusia tehtäviä ja suunnittele viisaasti kohtalosi kohtaamiseksi.

    Muokkaa kohtaloasi jokaisella nostolla
    Koe ainutlaatuinen ja strateginen pakanrakentelujärjestelmä: ennen jokaista kierrosta voit muokata aloituspakkaasi ja kortteja joita sinulle tarjotaan kierroksen aikana. Lisäksi jokainen vihollinen voi pudottaa muita eksklusiivisia korttipalkintoja jotka voit ottaa huomioon strategiassasi. Valittavanasi on yli 1 000 korttia, ja voit kokeilla erilaisia synergioita hävittääksesi vastustajasi ja matkataksesi Breachin syvyyksiin.

    Löydä sankarisi ja määritä taktiikkasi
    Valittavana on 10 ainutlaatuista sankaria, joilla jokaisella on omat vahvuutensa ja heikkoutensa, joten voit räätälöidä strategiasi omaan pelityyliisi sopivaksi. Jäädytä vihollisesi Raodanilla ottaaksesi taistelukentän hallintaasi tai piiloudu ja iske varjoista Mirleyn kanssa aiheuttaaksesi tuhoisaa vahinkoa. Voitto on ulottuvillasi kun voit hallita hahmojasi ja korttejasi täydellisesti.

    Päivitä kaupunkiasi
    Kun etenet syvemmälle Breachiin, voit kerätä arvokkaita resursseja joilla voit avata uusia kortteja, ostaa tehokkaita esineitä ja päivittää kaupunkiasi. Käy sepän luona varustamassa sankarisi tuhoisilla päivityksillä ja etsi torilta uusia eksoottisia tavaroita. Suorita erilaisia tehtäviä ansaitaksesi palkintoja ja kohdataksesi vielä suurempia koettelemuksia tarinan edetessä. Jokaisen päivityksen myötä olet paremmin varustautunut tuleviin taisteluihin ja askeleen lähempänä Aetherin salaisuuksien paljastamista.

    Kehitä strategiaasi
    Jokainen taistelu tuo mukanaan uusia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Pelaatko varman päälle ja keskityt puolustukseen vai otatko riskejä yllättääksesi vihollisesi? Erikoistilapalkkien, kuten Arcane-, Frost- ja Shock-palkkien, sekä erilaisten buffien ja debuffien ansiosta jokainen päätöksesi vaikuttaa taisteluun. Kehitä pakkaasi jokaisella nostolla ja tule todelliseksi strategiksi.

  • Version1.8012

    A Roguelike Deckbuilder

    Update Log

    What's New?
    - 30 new generic cards were added to the game
    - Caitan has received a small rework
    - Updated Unity and various plugins to improve stability

    Character Changes
    - Caitan will now heal 1 every time he switches stance
    - Caitan now has 20 (up from 15) recoverable health
    - Caitan's last passive now draws 1 Strike or Spell each turn instead of copying one each turn
    - Strike Stance's damage bonus was changed to a flat +2 damage
    - Several Caitan cards have been changed

    - Inna will create Rare and Epic tools slightly less frequently
    - Inkwell & Quill is now an Epic tool

    Quest Improvements
    - Quest objectives are now displayed during the run
    - Difficulty level is now indicated when selecting a quest
    - Quests can be replayed once all quests have been completed

    Mechanics Changes
    - "Increase the damage of all your spells" has been removed as a mechanic. Spellweave has been added as a new buff instead: Increase the damage of all your spells by 4% per rank. Not reduced at end of turn.
    - Status barriers now increase max status by 2 instead of reducing incoming status by 2
    - Primal Pearl now only affects enemies
    - Draft runs now start with 3 rares and 12 commons (instead of 15 commons)
    - Quickplay rewards for common fights now include both common and rare cards
    - Changed the way idols were distributed in Rush runs
    - Each activated idol will empower 2 non-boss fights (boss fights are unchanged)
    - Idols will be chosen among all activated idols
    - Enemy summons can no longer override player summons except rare exceptions. Most monster abilities that fail to summon will buff the monster instead.

    Enemy Changes
    - Buffed Vessel of Impulse
    - Nerfed Shadeberries and Redblossoms
    - Tweaked the opportunity attacks of many monsters. Opportunity attacks now have their damage modifiers halved
    - Enemies summoned by the player no longer have their attacks boosted by Rush Mode
    - Enemies summoned by the player have reduced health scaling

    - Reduced the chance of weather events showing up, especially when activating idols
    - Phoenix Feathers are now displayed in combat when available
    - Legendary cards will no longer appear as rewards once they've been picked

    Bug Fixes
    - Fixed a bug where the rest icon wouldn't always glow before the final boss of a run
    - Fixed a bug where enemies summoned by the player would have inconsistent health in Rush Mode
    - Fixed a bug where having less than the maximum number of Epics could guarantee seeing an Epic card as a reward
    - And many more fixes!

    App Description

    Uusi Roguelike-pakanrakentelukokemus
    Lähde jännittävään seikkailuun tämän uudenlaisen Roguelike-pakanrakentelupelin kanssa. Taistele Breach-repeämästä nousevia hirviömäisiä olentoja vastaan käyttämällä maagisiin kortteihin, voimiin ja sankareihin perustuvaa ja kehittyvää strategiaa. Lepää kaupungissasi, päivitä varusteitasi, vastaanota uusia tehtäviä ja suunnittele viisaasti kohtalosi kohtaamiseksi.

    Muokkaa kohtaloasi jokaisella nostolla
    Koe ainutlaatuinen ja strateginen pakanrakentelujärjestelmä: ennen jokaista kierrosta voit muokata aloituspakkaasi ja kortteja joita sinulle tarjotaan kierroksen aikana. Lisäksi jokainen vihollinen voi pudottaa muita eksklusiivisia korttipalkintoja jotka voit ottaa huomioon strategiassasi. Valittavanasi on yli 1 000 korttia, ja voit kokeilla erilaisia synergioita hävittääksesi vastustajasi ja matkataksesi Breachin syvyyksiin.

    Löydä sankarisi ja määritä taktiikkasi
    Valittavana on 10 ainutlaatuista sankaria, joilla jokaisella on omat vahvuutensa ja heikkoutensa, joten voit räätälöidä strategiasi omaan pelityyliisi sopivaksi. Jäädytä vihollisesi Raodanilla ottaaksesi taistelukentän hallintaasi tai piiloudu ja iske varjoista Mirleyn kanssa aiheuttaaksesi tuhoisaa vahinkoa. Voitto on ulottuvillasi kun voit hallita hahmojasi ja korttejasi täydellisesti.

    Päivitä kaupunkiasi
    Kun etenet syvemmälle Breachiin, voit kerätä arvokkaita resursseja joilla voit avata uusia kortteja, ostaa tehokkaita esineitä ja päivittää kaupunkiasi. Käy sepän luona varustamassa sankarisi tuhoisilla päivityksillä ja etsi torilta uusia eksoottisia tavaroita. Suorita erilaisia tehtäviä ansaitaksesi palkintoja ja kohdataksesi vielä suurempia koettelemuksia tarinan edetessä. Jokaisen päivityksen myötä olet paremmin varustautunut tuleviin taisteluihin ja askeleen lähempänä Aetherin salaisuuksien paljastamista.

    Kehitä strategiaasi
    Jokainen taistelu tuo mukanaan uusia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Pelaatko varman päälle ja keskityt puolustukseen vai otatko riskejä yllättääksesi vihollisesi? Erikoistilapalkkien, kuten Arcane-, Frost- ja Shock-palkkien, sekä erilaisten buffien ja debuffien ansiosta jokainen päätöksesi vaikuttaa taisteluun. Kehitä pakkaasi jokaisella nostolla ja tule todelliseksi strategiksi.

  • Version1.7113
    Update Log

    - Rush mode now has a currency boost rather than a penalty (from -50% to +50%)
    - Rush mode idols will now scale progressively in power during a run
    - Rush mode enemy scaling was reduced at the beginning of a run
    - Reduced the odds of getting weather effects in Rush Mode
    - Updated Whiteflame Golem's and Cladasair's sprites
    - Error messages related to cloud save and load will now display properly
    - Fixed a few issues with Opportunist
    - Fixed a few other minor issues

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

  • Version1.7111
    Update Log

    Game Version 1.7111 - The Storyline Update
    - Storyline Quests were added to the game!
    o Depths 2 and 3 are now locked behind Quests if you hadn't unlocked them previously
    o Caitan is now locked behind a Quest if you hadn't unlocked him previously
    o Battered Ramparts and Crystal Valley are now locked behind Quests

    - 2 new game modes were added to the game:
    o Draft Mode is a variant of Quickplay that lets you draft your entire starting deck at the beginning of the run
    o Rush Mode is an alternate game mode where you play against a single area

    Buff & Debuff Changes
    - Envenom now reads "Your attacks give Poison ranks equal to {0}% of damage dealt. (Minimum: 1)"
    - Leech now deals 2 damage and 1 healing per debuff type.
    - Poison now reads "Take 1 fixed damage per rank at end of turn, then reduce ranks to half, rounded down. Poison application is affected by damage modifiers and can consume Shocked."
    o Cards that apply Poison directly are now considered strikes or spells
    - Frostbite now deals double damage to Frozen targets
    - Opportunist now reads "Whenever the player triggers Fatigue, the first enemy and the first ally with Opportunist will use their Opportunity Attack and lose 1 rank. Cannot be Dispelled."
    o Cards that triggered enemy actions now trigger their Opportunity Attack instead
    o Every enemy now has a unique Opportunity attack

    Card Changes
    - Removed the "enemy shield" sub-theme from cards
    - Cards that applied Arcane Weakness have been buffed
    - Cards with Doom, Envenom, Poison and Leech were changed
    - Moved around the unlock order of some Drofis cards

    - Sequential arcane detonations are now (much) faster
    - Depths will now be auto-selected based on the last depth used for the chosen character
    - (Mobile) Gem acquisition rate has been lowered slightly

    Bug Fixes
    - Fixed a bug where you could sometimes unlock a skin when trying to unlock a character
    - And many more fixes!

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

  • Version1.7042
    Update Log

    Version 1.7042
    - Updated several plugins
    - Fixed a few bugs regarding the "Create Astral Card" button
    - Adaptative Spell is now properly doubled by Solar Amplification
    - Shrine idols will now properly reroll themselves
    - Phoenix Feather now makes you invincible for a turn after triggering

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

  • Version1.7041
    Update Log

    Trials of the Breach - Part 1
    The Nayema Update
    Hotfix 1.7041: Fixed a few issues with the Nayema Update.
    - Nayema has joined the guild
    - Idol of Emptiness has joined the pantheon
    - Added Achievements
    - Added cross-platform cloud saving
    - Added 24 new Generic cards and 60 new items
    - Mirley got reworked
    - Changed many cards, buffs and debuffs
    Full patch notes: https://www.baronneriegames.com/trials-of-the-breach-update-part-1

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

  • Version1.7040
    Update Log

    Trials of the Breach - Part 1
    The Nayema Update
    - Nayema has joined the guild
    - Idol of Emptiness has joined the pantheon
    - Added Achievements
    - Added cross-platform cloud saving
    - Added 24 new Generic cards and 60 new items
    - Mirley got reworked
    - Changed many cards, buffs and debuffs
    See full patch notes: https://www.baronneriegames.com/trials-of-the-breach-update-part-1

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

  • Version1.6243
    Update Log

    Version 1.6243: Fixed a few issues regarding the Shrine Update
    Version 1.6242: The Shrine Update
    What's New?
    - A new area is now available: the Crystal Valley
    - The Shrine building is now available in the town. You can use it to increase the game's difficulty by activating otherworldly idols! It is unlocked after defeating Depth 3.
    Character Changes
    - Nerfed Shah'Ru second and third passives
    - Drofis now only creates Blood Bursts when losing 3 or more health
    - Added 2 new tools for Silan
    - Added 15 new Generic cards
    - Added a new Quest: Defeat bosses in Quickplay.
    - Added the Battered Rampart's map soundtrack
    - Added 2 new NCEs for the Battered Ramparts
    - Added 2 new cardbacks!
    Buff & Debuff Changes
    - Sturdy no longer gives a flat bonus to shield gained, instead it gives +2% per rank up to +50%.
    - Pack tactics is now +2 damage per ally, no more "per rank"
    - Ice Eater is now: Gain Powerful (1) per rank whenever an enemy becomes Frozen.
    - Predator now also affects Statuses
    - Bleed and Arcane Leak now tick down at the end of the player's turn for everyone
    - Frost/Frozen Rework
    o Debuff. This enemy skips its next action. Your next card is free and has no effect. Reduce all Frost and fixed Frost received by half. Lose 2 ranks at end of turn.
    o Frost on players increases by 2 per trigger, up to a maximum of +10 after 5 triggers.
    o Frost now gives Frozen (2) when triggered.
    - Opportunist was changed: Whenever the player triggers Fatigue, the first enemy and ally with Opportunist will trigger and cycle their action and lose 1 rank. Cannot be Dispelled. Opportunist loses half its ranks at end of turn.
    o Rebalanced enemies and cards with Opportunist
    - Fortress now reduces damage taken by 10% per rank.
    - The Fatigue count can no longer be increased if it's not your turn.
    - Buffs and debuffs on the player and monsters are now divided into pages for increased legibility
    Card Changes
    - Cards that cost 4+ were slightly buffed
    - Changed a bunch of common generic cards
    - Cards that give Bleed were buffed slightly
    - Skipping a card Upgrade or Remove will grant 1 Lucky Charm per skip
    - Player can now summon enemies in the dedicated slot
    - Increased the maximum amount of decks per character by 6
    - Only the first Arcane Detonation of a sequence will Dispel
    - Tool cards creation is now seeded
    - Starting Deck size (in the Deck Editor) is now a minimum of 12 cards and a maximum of 50 cards
    - Fast mode is slightly faster

    App Description

    Breach Wanderers combines elements from Collectible Card Games and Roguelike Deckbuilders in a brand new way! Create your own decks and choose which cards you will see each time you enter the Breach! With an abundance of creative freedom, choose your hero, create your deck and upgrade your guild before setting off for a new adventure.
    Core Features
    - Customize your Deck: Create your own starting deck and card pool before departing for a run. You'll never see a card you don't want to see! Breach Wanderers opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with when fighting through the breach.
    - RPG Progression: Level-up your heroes to get them prepared for the challenges to come. You can further tune the game to your playstyle with customizable guild upgrades!
    - A Familiar Roguelike Experience: While you can choose how you begin a run, what awaits you in the Breach is different every time! Monsters, special events, items and challenges are all randomized, making every run a unique adventure!
    What's in the box?
    - 6 playable characters, each with their unique skills and unique cards
    - 3 dangerous areas to explore
    - 3 buildings to customize and upgrade your guild
    - Over 500 cards
    - Over 100 items to equip
    - Over 50 monsters to face

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