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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Rip off pretty much…

By suhsnekskvdjcjnc   

I CANT CONTACT ON THE APP!! On this App Store it says 17+ either way I have parental consent to be on this app. I am selling artwork!! The App Store says RIGHT THERE 17+ if you don’t want people 17 and below to be on this app REMOVE THAT OR UPDATE IT I COULDN'T even send an appeal on the app because “an error occurred.” What a rip off seriously…

07/03/2024 15:04:48
Tengo una semana

By The ningún 1   

Tengo una semana esperando que se pongan disponibles para retirar y no disen nada quiero saber qué pasa

07/03/2024 14:55:36
Saldo Pendientes

By Mario AlfaroHn   

Llevo mas de 10 Dias que el saldo pendiente no llega a saldo disponible para retirar todo mi saldo esta en pendiente yo entiendo que se tarda de 3 a 5 Dias pero ya paso 2 semanas y aun mi saldo sigue en pendiente que esta pasado ayuda

07/03/2024 14:47:14
No Answer

By 730Kayy   

My account just stopped working out of nowhere I haven't been able to withdraw funds in over a week I've sent several emails nobody has gotten back to me yet this is becoming frustrating as I have money in my account and I can't access it because it's not rolling over the last time I was able to cash out was June 24th today is July 3rd... you do the math

07/03/2024 09:37:54
Bank accounts

By Nefer2289   

I downloaded the app but I think have issues. I can add my bank account. I can contact support because indicated is a error sending the message. Im new so I don’t know how to fix this issue.

07/03/2024 01:07:06
I love this app but…

By mckennarose18   

I love this app so much, but I always have issue getting in touch with support when there is a problem. As an update for the last couple of days, my money is still being shown as “pending.” Meaning that I have not received the option to transfer my money to my bank account. I have reached out to support by email, and through Twitter (X) and no one has replied. So users just be ware of this. Otherwise I haven’t had any issues. ❤️

07/02/2024 23:43:26
Maintain aplication

By RamJose92   

I opened the application on Friday, and since then it is in maintenance and it does not allow me to set up my bank account, how long do I have to wait? I wrote to support and they don't answer me. And I have money in it.

07/02/2024 21:11:05
Can not add bank account or reach help.

By Gotogoboo   

I have a balance of $211 and I cannot seem to add my bank account nor reach anyone using your dialogue box. Your app has been telling me you are working on improving payment withdraws but I can’t seem to add my bank or any other payout method. I need to receive my money. Please reach out!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hello, It is very easy to resolve this issue. Kindly write an email to [email protected] and add APST in the subject of the email. We will be glad to help.

07/01/2024 10:31:16
No la bajen!!

By Enid15324   

Te roban el dinero! Llevo más de una semana esperando por mi dinero y nada que ver. Me contacté y ni te contestan.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hola, utilizamos el sistema bancario convencional para los retiros. Pueden aplicarse retrasos. Los retrasos pueden ser de entre 5 a 12 días hábiles. Lamentamos las molestias, pero es la mejor manera de asegurar sus transacciones.

07/01/2024 09:28:07
I need some help

By Yael11111   

I’m trying to contact the support for this app, but nobody responds to me. I don’t know if they can contact me because I have problems with my bank account. It doesn’t let me to add it. Thank you.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Hello, this issue may appear if you have made a typo on your bank account number or if the bank account you are adding is not from the same country of your unlockt.me account. Kindly write us an email to [email protected] so we can investigate.

07/01/2024 00:30:21
No data yet.No data yet.
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