TIMEJUMP The future of messaging With TimeJump, you travel through time! Send your media in the future, and time when your friends can open it, anywhere between now and 24 years. ■ THE RIGHT MESSAGE AT THE RIGHT TIME Choose when your photos, videos, audio recordings or text messages can be opened to retain your friends’ undivided attention. ■ ANTICIPATE Take the time to prepare your important messages. You have no more excuses if you forget any birthday wishes... ■ CREATE GROUPS Friends, family, colleagues, football club members: share your messages within your groups up to 240 members. ■ REINVENT YOUR STORIES Parties, weddings, births, or everyday moments: keep the memory and share it with your friends, when you want, in contributive and chronological Stories. ■ BUILD YOUR COMMUNITY Engage with your followers and grow your audience by sending public content. ■ GET ORGANIZED Use TimeJump as a calendar with its reminders. You’ll never forget anything again – well, almost. ■ CREATE DESIRE Rediscover the pleasure of waiting! What’s in this message that can’t be seen yet? ■ CHANGE YOUR MIND You can delete a message sent by accident or too quickly at any time. Everyone makes mistakes! Join the timejumpers’ community now and get ready for a unique experience! Because YOU are the MASTERS OF TIME! * You have something to tell us? Contact us at [email protected].