Are you tired of the censorship and bias from Facebook, Twitter and most of the other established Social Media apps? We are too! So, we created DubWoo as a direct competitor to Facebook with all the same functionality, but without the bias and hypocritical terms and conditions that limit what you can say or share. DubWoo is a safe place to share your thoughts, idea’s and not worry about getting “cancelled”. DubWoo is what a Social Network was intended to be before politics. Fun, meeting new people and sharing your thoughts, opinions, photos, video’s and even create your own Blog’s. Not to mention if you are a Business and want to promote yourself with your own Page or create a Group for common interests. On the Site and in the App, you can: - Keep in touch with your friends, family and meet new people from all over the world - With all those connections, schedule activities with people able to RSVP - Create a Group for people of like interests and plan for upcoming events - Create a personal or business Page and promote yourself or products and plan for meetings or parties - Find connections by region or interests - Schedule Events and meet up’s for every type of occasion, for any type of Group function or anything within your Page - And of course you can capture the moments with photos and videos and post to share with everyone We hope you enjoy the new site and Apps and tell your friends. Free Speech for all! Have fun!