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No longer works

By Oops71!   

I used to love this app. I have no idea why it no longer works for me. I can’t sign in, it can’t locate me when gps, if I type in my address the address bar blocks the ability the pick the correct address from the drop down menu. Very frustrating.

06/30/2024 13:56:29
Great idea in theory, but not smooth in practice

By Elle Da vinci   

This is a wonderful idea, and I have successfully given away a couple things so far. But there are some problems I’m encountering. One person asking for books and toys for children who have nothing turned out to be a scam, and I was only able to avoid it at the last minute because a friend clued me in to what was happening. Now I don’t know which other things might be scams.
Plus, when someone responds to something I am gifting, and then I respond back what daytime do they want to pick up? They never answer. And it is a drag to keep going in every day to check and this has happened with more people than have actually responded. Plus, the posts are entered one on top of the other, so that the newest one is always on top. the only way to browse through offers/asks is to just continue scrolling down down down. Of course, you can only bump your post up to the top if you are a paying member. Again, a grate philosophy, but not user-friendly.

06/30/2024 13:46:02
Great purposeful app but wish i could stay blogged in

By sam_g   

Annoying to have to constantly log in when using the app.

06/30/2024 11:53:40

By Sylverboy   

Needs to be fixed - bugs - keeps shutting off or stalling- No sound notifications

06/29/2024 04:45:35
Great idea, but buggy app

By Restaurant app   

I love the idea and want to support it. The app itself has quite a few quirks with missed notifications, delays, etc.

06/23/2024 16:27:32
Where is the usability testing?

By KV0311   

Need some serious user testing before releasing again. Bad workflow patterns on an iPhone and the real estate available to perform my tasks isn’t enough and cuts off the buttons and or functionality. Feels like someone’s nephew coded this using a template but never checked with real world usage.

06/21/2024 18:25:57
Registration doesn't even work on app

By Kaijustin360   

I went to register on the app and it gets all the way to birthdate and just gives an endless buffer. After taking the time to complete the other steps the end result was a total waste of time. Dumb developers that can't even code a proper registration page is not something I will keep on my phone. I also got a weird email with an access code but how is that possible when your screen said registration is not complete. So you took my email and other info and your system acts like none of it is complete. All they did is take my info page by page then ultimately blocked access to the user with a "system" buffer problem. Shady when you can't get the basic info done.

06/21/2024 13:58:04
Buy nothing

By H Dali   

Cannot get into this app 😔

06/21/2024 11:05:59
Invalid password

By Jo_Ro123   

Constantly says - invalid password or log in. And then I’m locked out. What a worthless app.

06/19/2024 16:17:57
Possibly the best app I’ve ever downloaded

By Bravodancing   

This is the absolute best app for anyone who is trying to do their part in keeping things out of landfills. I have managed to find new owners for dozens of items that I’ve been lugging around for years because, while they still had a lot of life left in them, they were no longer useful to me. I’ve met a lot of neighbors this way and have had nothing but lovely interactions, both online and in person. It’s also a great place to seek out things you might need. Folks are very generous on this platform! I highly recommend.

06/19/2024 12:16:00
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