Special timer for interval training. This Interval Tabata Timer offers: • Very intuitive interface. After installing this timer you need to press one button to start a tabata workout with classic settings. • Ability to set up prepare, work, rest, rest between sets, cool down time, number of cycles and sets. • Intervals can be configured individually. With this interval training timer you can create any interval workout with any sequence of intervals. • Voice assistant with text-to-speech. • Add descriptions to intervals that will be displayed on the timer screen and will be voiced. • Bright and nice colors. • Ability to lower the volume in your music player while playing the timer sounds (ducking). • List of your saved workouts. • NEW! Quick workout - setup your workout with fast and ease. The opportunity to display mode: - Tabata Protocol. - Rounds. - Stopwatch. - Intervals. Tabata is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT): • Workout hard for 20 seconds • Rest for 10 seconds • Complete 8 rounds It's time to train, good luck! Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FMzBsd_mSO69xuzkpOKljPPtxRMWMTzt2iGs6wJIhik