Nulo is a voice chat and entertainment community. Whenever you want to have free chats with friends, family or even total strangers, Nulo can be the best choice for you. Features: Chat for FREE Open or join a chat room anytime for free. There are no limits to chatting with anyone here! Discover chat rooms Browse endless amount of rooms every day. Explore more and join one. Isn’t random chatting super exciting? Meet new friends Every stranger could be your friend! Explore and chat with like-minded people. Create your own space Need a place to share your mood and special moments? Create your own chat room and invite any online user. Party with friends Build up your own circle here and enjoy unlimited chats. Boost up the room Want your chat room to gain some popularity among all? Click and boost it up! No limits, no stress, only fun! Start chatting and get to know each other by voice.